Robert John Mercer
First Lieutenant
Army of the United States
Brookline, Massachusetts
August 14, 1944 to August 30, 1968
ROBERT J MERCER is on the Wall at Panel W45, Line 8
See the full profile or name rubbing for Robert Mercer

Robert J Mercer
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22 Jun 2004

Rest in peace, Bobby.
You believed so much in truth and justice
that you gave your life for them.

From a second cousin.

28 Feb 2007

Bobby ... I will never forget your voice that I heard in my headsets. You doing your best to protect your men. To call in for more firepower and more reinforcements. I believe the RTO had been shot along with most of the first two drops ... and the NVA were in the bunkers, and dug in all around Firebase 19. I watched as the fast movers dumped ordnance on the perimeter to hold off the NVA ... and gun ships that were making runs on that hill. It was my first battle. In 15 minutes, I came in with the 3rd helicopter with more troops and we were shot down as we lifted off. That day is burned into my mind. I was a door gunner on #264.

Welcome Home, Bobby! You were a good soldier ... I lift my glass high each time I think of you. See you on the other side, Buddy!

Jim Carriere
57th AHC

24 Aug 2007


I last heard from Bob Mercer, an OCS classmate, after I arrived in Vietnam. He sent me a C-ration cardboard note, written in pencil as he sat in his fighting hole at night with a poncho over his head so the penlight between his teeth would not give off any light. He enclosed some North Vietnamese money that his troops took off a paymaster who was part of a patrol the Americans topped. the M-1 A-1 Mercer, as his friends called him, said he was having the time of his life with his hoods up along the border.

A couple of weeks later, John McLaughlin, another OCS classmate, showed me a copy of Stars and Stripes that had Bob's name as a KIA that week. We were both shocked and saddened, as the three of us were buds at Fort Benning.

Bob was the quintessential soldier and I am flattered to know him. His etched name from the Vietnam memorial, along with Vic Mika's, another OCS classmate, is framed on the wall in my house.

From an OCS classmate,
Bob Pfohman
5536 NE Hassalo Street, Portland, Oregon 97213

From The Virtual Wall:
2LT Victor G. Mika, of Fords, New Jersey, was killed in action on 17 April 1968 while serving with C Co, 2nd Bn, 60th Infantry.


A Note from The Virtual Wall

C Company, 3/12th Infantry, lost seven men on 30 Aug 1968 during an engagement at Firebase 19 (Hill 1258) about 4 kilometers southwest of Ben Het, Kontum Province:
  • 1LT Robert J. Mercer, Brookline, MA
  • SGT James C. Baxter, Dover, FL
  • SP4 Gary L. Klingler, Morenci, MI
  • CPL Marvin R. Parker, Hartsburg, MO
  • CPL Gary G. Rodgers, San Francisco, CA
  • SP4 Jorge A. Silvas, Douglas, AZ
  • PFC Tobias E. Markusen, Long Barn, CA
Their attached artillery Forward Observer, 1LT William E. Wolfe, B Btry, 6th Bn, 29th Artillery, was killed in the action as well.

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