Mario Juan Mendias
Specialist Four
Army of the United States
Marfa, Texas
January 10, 1948 to March 02, 1969
MARIO J MENDIAS is on the Wall at Panel W30, Line 14
See the full profile or name rubbing for Mario Mendias

Mario J Mendias
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25 Apr 2004

Mario was a 1966 graduate of Marfa High School, Marfa, Texas. He was a life time resident. He was in his junior year at Sul Ross State University, Alpine, Texas, when he decided to volunteer for the draft. He had played in the Marfa High School Band in high school, also played the guitar and enjoyed riding horses.

He was trained as an infantryman and started his tour in Vietnam in January 1969. He was in his second month in Vietnam when he was killed by multiple fragmentation wounds. He was serving as the point man on a reconnaissance-in-force operation near Lai Khe when he sighted a well fortified enemy position, simultaneously warning his comrades. With complete disregard for his own safety, he braved hostile fire as he neutralized one enemy position with automatic rifle fire while standing in the aggressors' killing zone. Undaunted by the enemy fire, he threw hand grenades to mark the position further. He was mortally wounded by an enemy RPG when he attempted to move to a more secure postion. He was awarded a posthumous Bronze Star Medal with "V" device.

He is remembered on the Permian Basin Vietnam Memorial located at Midland International Airport, Midland, Texas.

From a PBVVM representative,
Billy M. Brown

26 Jul 2005

God Bless our American Soldiers
and the Americans that support them.
God Bless America!

From the Mendias Family

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