John Murl Mc Daid
Army of the United States
Ithaca, Michigan
March 16, 1949 to January 19, 1970
JOHN M McDAID is on the Wall at Panel W14, Line 47
See the full profile or name rubbing for John Mc Daid

John M Mc Daid
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23 Jul 2001

John and I attended the same one-room country schoolhouse until 1960 - Sowers School, the same one-room country schoolhouse my dad, his brother, and their dad, attended - when, in 1960 all the country shoolhouses were annexed into the city of Ithaca Public Schools.

In the photo taken while John was in Vietnam he looks so tired, so weary ... just as everyone else felt and was ...

Halfway through his tour, on his 179th day in-country, John stepped on a land mine. He came home having lost all on earth but with heaven gained.

"To live in the hearts we leave behind,
is never to have died."
(Thomas Campbell, circa 1888)

John is remembered by his comrades in the
1st Battalion, 50th Infantry

06 Dec 2006

Heard from your commanding officer, John!

That rumour about your stepping on a land mine was just that - a rumour.

You had received more than one mortal wound when you led your platoon to safety ... you are a true leader and a true hero, John.

I knew you were never a whiffer!

Miss you, John, still.

From a classmate, Ithaca, Michigan ... Sowers School,
Nancee Greenlee

Visit my personal memorial to
John McDaid

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