Johnny Wayne Mc Cain
Private First Class
Army of the United States
Ore City, Texas
June 10, 1947 to November 10, 1967
JOHNNY W McCAIN is on the Wall at Panel 29E, Line 68
See the full profile or name rubbing for Johnny Mc Cain

Johnny W Mc Cain
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29 Jun 2008

Sleeping for the Flag

When our boys come home in triumph, brother,
With the laurels they shall gain;
When we go to give them welcome, brother,
We shall look for you in vain.
We shall wait for your returning, brother,
Though we know it cannot be;
For your comrades left you sleeping, brother,
Underneath a southern tree.

Sleeping to waken
In this weary world no more;
Sleeping for your true-lov'd country, brother,
Sleeping for the flag you bore.

You were the first on duty, brother,
When "to arms" your leader cried--
You have left the ranks forever, brother,
You have laid your armies aside.
From the awful scenes of battle, brother,
You were set forever free,
When your comrades left you sleeping, brother,
Underneath that southern tree.

You have cross'd the clouded river, brother,
To the mansions of the best,
"When the wicked cease from troubling," brother,
"And the weary are at rest."
Surely we would not recall you, brother,
But the tears flow fast and free,
When we think of you sleeping, brother,
Underneath a southern tree.
- Henry Clay Work -

From his brother,
Scott F. McCain

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