Thomas Monroe Mays
Sergeant First Class
Army of the United States
Salt Lake City, Utah
June 28, 1934 to December 21, 1969
THOMAS M MAYS is on the Wall at Panel W15, Line 79
See the full profile or name rubbing for Thomas Mays

Thomas M Mays
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08 Sep 2005


by a comrade in arms.

Jim Barry

21 Dec 2006

Today is December 21, 2006, 37 years since SFC Mays died in service to his country. In 1969 I was a member D/168th Engineers (C). We had been working on a pacification program out of Chu Chi. We were rebuilding roads that would allow the Vietnamese to move back into an area that had previously been a free-fire zone, part of the Iron Triangle and Ho Bo Woods. Every day we would begin by mine-sweeping the roads and then working on improving the next section of the road. SFC Mays was a member of a survey crew that was attached to us. On December 21, 1969 SFC Mays was riding in a 3/4 ton when it detonated what was believed to be a 30 lb. anti-tank mine. The truck was thrown in the air and destroyed. SFC Mays died as a result of his wounds and three others were seriously injured and the driver survived without any wounds. It was a terrible blow to our company. We had not suffered any casualties in the previous 9 months and this happening so close to Christmas put a damper on our spirits. We knew that SFC Mays was a family man and his family would be receiving the worst possible news on a day that should have been a day of joy. Every Christmas since I think of SFC Mays and his family and know that what is a day of joy for many of us is a day of sadness for his family. God bless his family and God bless SFC Mays for the ultimate sacrifice he made.

2 Corinthians 1, 8-11
Love and Peace,
Sp/5 Dennis Jerome
D/168th Engineers Vietnam 1969-1970


A Note from The Virtual Wall

Official records indicate that Sergeant First Class Mays was assigned to D Company, 168th Engineers, but Mr. Barry advises that he was transferred to the 554th before his death.

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