Gilivaldo Armando Martinez, Jr
Staff Sergeant
Army of the United States
Lamesa, Texas
October 13, 1944 to November 11, 1965
GILIVALDO A MARTINEZ Jr is on the Wall at Panel 3E, Line 41
See the full profile or name rubbing for Gilivaldo Martinez

Gilivaldo A Martinez
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15 Dec 2006

Gilivaldo A. Martinez was born in Riverside, California and raised in Clovis, New Mexico and Lamesa, Texas. His family called him by his middle name as he was a "Junior". He completed high school in Lamesa and entered the Army October 16, 1962 three days after he turned 18. He completed basic training at Fort Polk and medic training at Fort Sam Houston. He served as a medic and ambulance driver/attendant at Fort Hood and returned to Fort Sam Houston after re-enlisting and he joined the 498th Medical Company and trained as an air ambulance medic.

The 498th deployed to Vietnam in September 1965 and Specialist 5 Martinez was on flight status and his unit was operating out of Qui Nhon. On November 11, 1965, he was a part of a medical evacuation for a wounded Korean soldier and in the process of coming in for the landing, the helicopter was shot down. Specialist Martinez and two other crewman were killed.

He was buried with full military honors at the Lawn Haven Garden of Memory's Cemetery in Clovis, New Mexico. He received a posthumous promotion to Staff Sergeant.

His father Gilivaldo A. Martinez Sr. passed away in October 196 and is buried next to SSG Gilivaldo A. Martinez, Jr. His 84 year old mother and two brothers survive and all live in Clovis, New Mexico.

He is remembered by the communities of Lamesa, Texas, by the community of Clovis, New Mexico and by the Permian Basin Vietnam Veterans' Memorial in Midland, Texas. May his sacrifice not be forgotten.

From a PBVVM representative,
Billy M. Brown
4015 Melody Lane, Odessa, Texas 79762

25 Sep 2007

I never got to meet you but my dad told me a lot about you and I know that you were a good guy. I just wanted to say "Thank you". I realy wish I could have met you. I will always know you in my heart ... love you a lot.

From your niece,,
Felicia Martinez
316 Calhoun, Clovis NM 88101


A Note from The Virtual Wall

On 11 Nov 1965 UH-1D tail number 64-13631 from the 498th Med Co (Air Ambulance) was shot down in the vicinity of Qui Nhon. Although the two pilots, MAJ Richard H. Scott and CPT Edward A. Haswell, survived their injuries, three crewmen died in the crash:
  • SSG Gilivaldo A. Martinez, Lamesa, TX, flight medic;
  • CPL Orin L. Allred, Casa Grande, AZ, gunner; and
  • CPL William Esposito, New York, NY, crew chief.
Visit John Dennison's
Medics on the Wall
memorial which honors the
Army Medics and Navy Corpsmen who died in Vietnam.

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