Walter Wesley Martin
United States Air Force
Opolis, Kansas
October 16, 1935 to January 17, 1969
WALTER W MARTIN is on the Wall at Panel W34, Line 26
See the full profile or name rubbing for Walter Martin

Walter W Martin
7thaf.gif 14thsow.gif 20thsos.gif

01 May 2002

Remembered by his squadronmates in the
20th Special Operations Squadron
the Green Hornets.

Robert W. Hall

15 Jan 2007

Walt was my neighbor, squadron mate (43 AREFS, Larson AFB WA) and flight instructor. I was a navigator in the squadron and Walt was a co-pilot in KC-135s. He always told me how much he wanted back in choppers. He taught me in a Cessna 140. I don't remember ever knowing a more even-tempered and all around nice guy. I miss him.

From a friend,
Art Schefler
321 Corinne Circle, Shreveport, La 71106


A Note from The Virtual Wall

Six men died when a CH-3E (tail number 62-12582) of the 20th Special Operations Squadron was lost at Lima Site 36 (Na Khang) in northern Laos:
  • Maj Walter W. Martin, Pilot, 20TH SOS
  • Capt Richard A. Fleming, Co-pilot, 20TH SOS
  • SSgt Albert J. Davis, Flight Engineer, 20TH SOS
  • LtCol Wayne Franklin Bolton, USAF, 1974th Comm Group, passenger
  • TSgt George Albert Kurtyka, USAF, 1973rd Comm Sqdn, passenger
  • TSgt Juan Arturo Maldonado , USAF, 1973rd Comm Sqdn, passenger
Two crewmen and one passenger survived and were transferred to Clark AFB (Philippines) for hospitalization.

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