Steven Louis Martin
Warrant Officer
Army of the United States
Wichita, Kansas
April 28, 1947 to May 31, 1969
STEVEN L MARTIN is on the Wall at Panel W23, Line 29
See the full profile or name rubbing for Steven Martin

Steven L Martin
ARGT-12THAVNGROUP.png 222cab.gif 135ahc.gif

22 May 2008

Steve was a fabulous guy. He was a freshman when I was a junior at Wichita State. We were both in Air Force ROTC and members of the honorary organization Arnold Air Society. We spent a lot of time after meetings and functions at a campus hang-out eating pizza and drinking vast quantities of 3.2 beer. We all sang along with the juke box LOUD and passionately. Steve's favorite song was "I Am A Rock" which we pronounced "Roch" by Simon and Garfunkle.

He was a joyful, friendly guy. I think he would forgive me for saying, he screamed more than he sang. I think of him a lot. Whenever I see the comedian of the same name I remember him. Whenever, I hear Paul Simon sing anything I think of him. But occasionally I hear "I Am A Rock." I smile and am transported back to my youth and I sing at the top of my lungs. And, once again I am with a 19 year old boy that left college to go to war because he was afraid the war would be over before he graduated. The world missed out on seeing quite a guy grow up and old.

From a friend and ROTC classmate,
John Fleming


A Note from The Virtual Wall

Four men were killed when UH-1C tail number 66-00720 was shot down 7 kilometers west-southwest of Dong Tam:
  • 135th AHC, 222nd Avn Bn
    • CPT Dennis M. Phillips, Irving, TX, pilot
    • WO Steven L. Martin, Wichita, KS, copilot
    • SP4 Byron B. Bowden, Arcata, CA, crewchief

  • Royal Australian Navy Fight Sqdn Vietnam
    • Leading Aircraftman Noel E. Shipp, RAN, gunner

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