Paul Rivers Martin
Private First Class
Army of the United States
Pearisburg, Virginia
March 14, 1947 to May 23, 1968
PAUL R MARTIN is on the Wall at Panel 66E, Line 11
See the full profile or name rubbing for Paul Martin


21 Apr 2003

Paul, Last time I saw you was at Basic Training at Ft. Bragg before you shipped over there and before I went also. I told you to keep your head down and you would probably be all right. Guess I was wrong, brother. It has taken me over thirty years to begin writing things like this. Just want you to know I didn't forget you, still remember you from our days at Giles High. At least you are at peace somewhere and I will think of you often, along with the ones I lost. Maybe one day we will meet again somewhere where all the soldiers go once they have passed from this earth. Then I can finally be at peace also.

Your friend and Brother in Arms,
Jerry Hypes

24 May 2004

Paul R. Martin,

You are one of those random names picked. I was coming home to North Carolina from a trip to Missouri and we came through Virgina. I was driving with my parents and I saw the sign to a Vietnam Memorial. I took the exit and went into the small but beautiful memorial. I started crying as soon as I saw the names, I had a break in my tears and I looked up an saw the name Paul R. Martin. Since that day I've made it my job in life to find out as much about you as I can. I haven't found out much, other than birth and death date, and Giles County. I've grown an attachment to you, wierd but true. I have just finished my senior year in high school and I finally got to go to Washington. I didn't have family or even know anyone that died in Vietnam. I looked for your name. I sat on the ground in front of your name, touched it gently, and cried. My sister was with me and she took pictures. I just wanted to tell you in some way, that the next "generation" still hasn't forgotten. You will always be remembered in my heart, and who knows, one day I might meet you again where fellow soldiers join together after leaving this earth.

From a friend off the wall,
Katelyn Harris


A Note from The Virtual Wall

A Company, 2/14th Infantry, lost three men to enemy artillery fire on 23 May 1968:
  • SP4 Billy Chapman, Jeffersonville, GA
  • SP4 Bruce H. Dyer, Federal Way, WA
  • PFC Paul R. Martin, Pearisburg, VA

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