Larry Raymond Martin
First Lieutenant
Army of the United States
Charleston, West Virginia
October 27, 1945 to June 17, 1969
LARRY R MARTIN is on the Wall at Panel W22, Line 65
See the full profile or name rubbing for Larry Martin

Larry R Martin
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"And they who for their country die
Shall fill an honored grave,
For glory lights the soldier's tomb,
And beauty weeps the brave."
Joseph Drake

Second Oak Leaf Cluster in lieu of Third Award
"V" Device authorized

For heroism in connection with ground operations against a hostile force in the Republic of Vietnam. First Lieutenant Martin distinguished himself by exceptionally valorous actions on 17 June 1969 while serving as a platoon leader with Company B 26th Engineer Battalion. On that date, the company was clearing land and constructing wire defensive perimeters on the Batangan Peninsula. Lieutenant Martin's mission was to clear fields of fire and instruct civilians in the area how to construct barbed wire barriers around their villages. Volunteering to precede the main element into the area Lieutenant Martin lead a reconnaissance team to survey the route of march and work site. As the team completed their mission and were returning to Landing Zone Minuteman, the combat engineer vehicle was ambushed by a command detonated mine and intense automatic weapons fire. Lieutenant Martin was mortally wounded in the attack. His courageous actions in volunteering for the dangerous missions prevented the main convoy from being ambushed. First Lieutenant Martin's personal heroism, professional competence, and devotion to duty were in keeping with the highest traditions of military service, and reflected great credit upon himself, the Americal Division, and the United States Army.

A memorial from his sister,
Sharon Martin Orr 
27 Nov 2001

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