Frank Jesse Lee Madrid
Private First Class
United States Marine Corps
Vaughn, New Mexico
March 09, 1948 to February 22, 1968
FRANK J MADRID is on the Wall at Panel 40E, Line 65
See the full profile or name rubbing for Frank Madrid

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Frank J Madrid
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22 Feb 2005

In remembrance of my big brother Franky.

It's been 37 years now since you've been gone. Actually to this very day as I write.

I was a young girl when you left to serve our country, and the memories you left me with are ones I will never forget, for I am very fond of them.

Although you were not with us much when you were growing up, when you were I can recall the funny things you'd said or done. You were only in your mid teens and I was around 7 or 8.

I remember the magic card games and tricks you'd play on me, and how it seemed to excite you just as much as it did me.

And the time you dyed your hair and it came out bright orange. You just laughed about it. And the time when you took me for a ride in your 63 Chevy Impala and we were driving past this house where this lady was pulling weeds or something. Anyway she was wearing a dress and had bent over and from the back you see she was wearing white knee-high hose. You honked and whistled as we drove by, but she didn't hear us or even look around to see who it was.

I miss you...

From his sister,
Patricia Torres

19 May 2006

In remembrance of my Brother Franky.

As these days continue to fly,
I still find it hard to really say goodbye.
So the memories lie deep in my heart,
Your life so young and short but yet such a big part.
With me, I can feel you this day,
And soon we'll see you if it may.

Remembering you, Patsy

March 9th, 2008

"Celebrating you,Brother"

Dear Brother, you would only be "60" today,
still so young in my mind.
How does it seem that it was so long ago,
does time make us blind?
Not much has changed in this life on earth
but yet we all cherish the beauty of birth.

Only to endure the unknown, the sacrifice, pain and sadness
For which ever way it may choose to cross us
with Love, Faith and Peace in our hearts
We seek to accept and go on
Although it will always be there not
just for the weak but also the strong.

Even as with these special days do we celebrate
The remembering so important and should never be a forgotten date
It doesn't matter what the time of year
For in our hearts you are still so dear.

"Remembering your birthday, Franky"
With love,

From his sister,
Patricia Torres

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