Ralph Joseph Lydon, Jr
United States Marine Corps
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
June 06, 1948 to May 13, 1968
(Incident Date May 04, 1968)
RALPH J LYDON Jr is on the Wall at Panel 59E, Line 26
See the full profile or name rubbing for Ralph Lydon

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Ralph J Lydon
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When I think of you, and it is often I do,
You come not as night whose darkness and pain I have with me always
But rather as sunlight that touches and warms the depths of my soul.

I see your smile always so ready and then do I turn and smile at another,
who maybe just then at that moment is badly in need of a smile.

I hear your laughter, Oh! it came from so deep within you,
That n'er do I laugh without thinking that you will laugh with me
as you did so often before.

I think of your courage, the kind for which medals aren't given.
The courage that says, "stand fast" when the effort hardly seems worth it
and the burdens of life become too heavy to bear.
So stand and I know the load will be lighter
for you will ask God to let you lend me your hand.

There are those who will say that you died without ever living.
How is it then they measure the life of a man?
Do they count up the days and clap if the number is lengthy?
Such a trite, sad, poor way to only think of existence and never consider the fiber of man.
For you lived! Oh, you lived!
The QUALITY of your being, far, far outweighing the span of your years.

If I cry in the sorrow of missing,
still I know in my heart you are happy at last.
For I'm sure when the angels did bring you into Gods' Presence,
He welcomed you warmly and said

"Peace to the soul of dear Skipper,
Who smiled in kindness,
Who laughed in joy,
Who stood in stress,
Who loved so well."

Eileen Sweeney Cubarney (cousin)
May 1968

Our family has never forgotten, we miss him still.

He would have been 55 on 6/6/03

25 Nov 2003

Dear Cousin Skipper,
I was 8 when you died. I still miss you.

Love always from your 2nd cousin,
Sharon Lee Cubarney

15 Mar 2005

You are extremely respected and admired by people who don't even know you. May you rest in peace and always be remembered as someone who died for your country.

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