Donald Alfred Luna
Lieutenant Colonel
United States Air Force
Houston, Texas
April 17, 1938 to November 29, 1978
(Incident Date February 01, 1969)
DONALD A LUNA is on the Wall at Panel W33, Line 33
See the full profile or name rubbing for Donald Luna



The original memorial is located at

At 0502 hours on 1 February 1969, then Captain Donald A. Luna, pilot of an O2A, call sign "Nail 33," departed Ubon Airfield, Thailand on a Forward Air Control (FAC) combat mission over the target area known as "VR Sector 7," Savannakhet Province, Laos. VR Sector 7 was also known as "Commando Hunt." His mission flight path was from Ubon to the Commando Hunt area and return to Ubon.

The weather conditions during his mission were widely scattered rain showers with the lower cloud layer bases at 4,000 feet and the second cloud layer with bases at 7,000 feet. Visibility was 6 miles plus with surface winds southwesterly at 6 knots.

The last radio contact with Capt. Luna was at 0653 hours as he flew over the densely forested mountains 15 miles southwest of Tchepone, Laos which were known to be under complete enemy control. At that time he reported situation normal with no indication of difficulties.

His next radio contact was scheduled for approximately 0800 hours. That contact was never made. An extensive visual and electronic search was immediately initiated along a line from Ubon to and in the target area, and in the adjacent area on either side of the intended route. This search effort was terminated at dusk the same day when no trace of Capt. Luna or his aircraft was found. Donald Luna was immediately listed Missing in Action.

Captain Luna was not reported as a prisoner by either the Pathet Lao or the North Vietnamese, nor has the crash site been located. He remains among the missing.


LTC Luna's remains were returned to the United States on 11/19/1999.
Identification was announced on 10/30/2000.

A memorial from one who wore his MIA bracelet,
Angela Bostwick 
14 Dec 2000

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