Thomas Lee Little Sun
Private First Class
United States Marine Corps
Pawnee, Oklahoma
August 20, 1947 to February 16, 1968
THOMAS L LITTLE SUN is on the Wall at Panel 39E, Line 63
See the full profile or name rubbing for Thomas Little Sun

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Thomas L Little Sun
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29 Mar 2005

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Thomas Lee LittleSun was a full blood (4/4) Pawnee Indian. Born 08/20/1947 to Lucy Morgan LittleSun (Full Blood Pawnee Indian) and James LittleSun (Full Blood Pawnee Indian). I understand he was on his second tour in Vietnam. He graduated from Chilocco Indian School in 1959. He was the youngest of 5 brothers and 2 sisters.

08 Aug 2006

Funeral services were held on Friday, March 8, 1968. Pfc. Thomas Lee LittleSun served 23 1/2 months in Vietnam. The body arrived in Pawnee, Oklahoma on a Tuesday, 17 days after his death, and was taken to the LittleSun residence to lie in state. The services were begun at 2:00 pm at the First Methodist Church. The burial was in the veterans' plot at Highland Cemetery with full military honors, under the direction of the Poteet Funeral Home.

Pfc. LittleSun was born in Pawnee on August 20, 1947 and lived here all his life. He attended elementary school and part of high school in Pawnee, then finished high school at teh Chilocco Indian School. Soon afterward, January 17, 1965, he joined the Marines and took his basic training at Camp Pendleton, California.

On May of 1965 he went to Vietnam and upon completing his year asked permission to remain another 6 months, which was granted. When the 18 months were completed he again asked for a 6 month extention of duty in Vietnam, but this request was denied and he was returned to Camp Pendleton in November of 1966. After being at home on leave, he again requested permission to return to Vietnam and went back in September of 1967.

From his niece,
Lily D. LittleSun Harms
Pawnee, Ok


A Note from The Virtual Wall

The 3rd Recon Bn Command Chronology for Feb 1968 contains the following entry regarding a patrol on 15/16 Feb:
"A patrol operating in the vicinity of XD9747 conducted 26 hours of reconnaissance and surveillance. As patrol moved to top of hill a large explosion detonated approximately 20 meters from the position resulting in 2 USMC KIA, 2 USMC WIA, and 1 USMC WIA (minor). Medevac chopper received SA/AWF during extraction of team. An artillery mission was called in area after extraction."
One of the wounded died later in the day. The three men killed by the explosion were
  • HN Alexander Giejc, Milwaukee, WI
  • Pfc Keith D. Coon, Topeka, KS
  • Pfc Thomas L. LittleSun, Pawnee, OK

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