Howard Thomas Lenhard
Lance Corporal
United States Marine Corps
Suffolk, New York
February 19, 1949 to October 05, 1969
HOWARD T LENHARD is on the Wall at Panel W17, Line 41
See the full profile or name rubbing for Howard Lenhard

Combat Aircrew
Howard T Lenhard
1stmaw.gif mag16.gif MSQDN-HMM-364.png


22 Jul 2003

On 5 October 1969, Lance Corporal Lenhard was flying as an aerial gunner on a medevac mission, nineteen miles southwest of Da Nang, in a CH-46 piloted by 1st Lt Jim Stewart. While on the the ground picking up a medevac in a hot LZ Lenhard was hit by a single bullet which entered his armpit, struck the inside of his body armor, ricocheted back, and exited his lower body. Lt Stewart pushed the helicopter to its maximum in an effort to get the two wounded Marines to the hospital at Da Nang, but Lenhard's wound was too serious and he died of injuries from this single round.

Howard Lenhard, and the other Purple Foxes who served in Vietnam, are remembered by the women who waited at home, whether mothers, sisters, wives, daughters, or friends. Those women, the

Purple Foxy Ladies

continue to support today's Purple Foxes of HMM-364 as they serve our country.

the Purple Foxes

on-line or go to our unit page
on The Virtual Wall

A memorial initiated by the
Purple Foxy Ladies

25 Sep 2005

Hey Uncle Howie,
It's been a while since anyone talked about you; it makes us too sad. But when your sister Alison [aka my mom] and I were in DC I knew I had to see your name. Before I saw it, I've been refusing to believe that I have an uncle that I'll never meet. But it's true, and I miss you. We made a rubbing of your name, and I keep it in my room next to a picture I have of you; you look so happy in it, which made me smile. I miss you, Uncle Howie.

Your niece,
Morgan Lisa
E-mail address is not available.


A Note from The Virtual Wall

The casualty database indicates that LCpl Lenhard died in a helicopter crash, but he didn't. He was flying as a door gunner on a medevac mission. While on the ground picking up a wounded Marine about 19 miles southwest of Da Nang, LCpl Lenhard was struck in the armpit by a single round which then ricocheted off the inside of his vest and exited from his lower torso. His pilot "busted butt" trying to get the two wounded Marines to the Danang hospital but LCpl Lenhard died before arrival.

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