Garfield M. Langhorn
Private First Class
Army of the United States
Riverhead, New York
September 10, 1948 to January 15, 1969
GARFIELD M LANGHORN is on the Wall at Panel W34, Line 9
See the full profile or name rubbing for Garfield Langhorn

Garfield M Langhorn
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Garfield M Langhorn


Garfield M Langhorn


Garfield M Langhorn


Garfield M Langhorn


Garfield M Langhorn


7 Aug 2001

Two men of C Troop, 7th Squadron, 17th Air Cavalry, went down when their AH-1G COBRA (hull number 67-15651) was shot down:

The gunship had crashed on a heavily forested slope. Other men of C Troop were promptly inserted to rescue Cox and Petteys. After working their way through the jungle to the crash site, they found both crewmen dead. They removed the bodies in order to carry them back to the landing zone.

While enroute to the LZ, the rescue forces came under heavy fire and in short order were surrounded. In the ensuing fight, PFC Garland Langhorn distinguished himself by covering an enemy hand grenade with his own body in order to save his comrades from death or injury.

Garland Langhorn was the only one of the rescue party who died. His body, together with those of Lieutenant Cox and Warrant Officer Petteys, was brought out by the other men of C Troop.

PFC Garland M. Langhorn not only gave his life for his country but also for my father - First Lieutenant Sterling E. Cox.

From one who remembers,
Michael Edward Cox

PFC Garland M. Langhorn is remembered on
Neil Michalov's
Medal of Honor site.


"LEAVE NO ONE BEHIND" by Joe Kline, 101st Abn Div
Published by Americana Historical Art
Used with permission of the artist.

Joe Kline, himself a helicopter crewman with the 101st Airborne in Vietnam, captured the intentions of the troopers of C Troop, 7th Sqd - to LEAVE NO ONE BEHIND - and they didn't. On 15 Jan 69 they held their ground and brought out their dead and wounded.

01 Jan 2002

On 15 Jan 1969, D Co., 1/35 4th Inf Div responded to reinforce the Blues that were on the ground and surrounded. Delta Co's medic (SP4 Steve R. Reiser) was killed that day along with Garfield Langhorn. D 1/35 also had 10 men wounded.

Dave Fogg
B 1/35 1968-69

From the 1/35th Daily Journals:

15 Jan 1969
1546 hours (C) B Co SRP 7 reported hearing automatic weapons and rocket fire at azimuth of 300 degrees, about 1ï¿ 1/2 klicks from their location grid 758485.

1550 hours (C) B Co reported seeing a Cobra gunship working out in that area.

1750 hours (C) From Bde: You will have your standby platoon get on the pad, notified D Co 3d platoon, they will CA to grid YA884686.

1802 hours (C) D Co 3d platoon will CA to grid YA884686 to be a reactionary force for the 7/17 Cav, 7/17 Cav went to the aid of the downed bird and they are surrounded, 7/17 Cav call sign is Curly White 41 (freq 40.40) ETA on birds 03 minutes. Hot LZ.

1810 Hours (C) From Bde: Get the rest of your D Co ready, when 3rd platoon is on the ground the birds will come back and they will pick up the rest of the company to supplement those that are already on the ground. Notified D Co.

1820 Hours (C) LZ first 3 birds touched down, LZ Hot.

2040 hours (C) PZ complete for D Co.

2045 hours (C) Dust-Off is now taking the wounded back to 71 Evac for the 7/17 Cav.

2050 hours (C) LZ complete for D Co (D Co and 7/17 Cav have linked up).

16 Jan 1969
1100 hours (C) At 1100 hours received the following message from D Co:
    Casualties of D Co from the 1 Jan roster:
  • Wounded Hostile Action line numbers: 7, 18, 20, 32, 49, 61, 82, 85, 98 and 142
  • Wounded not as a result of hostile actions: 33, 50 and 72
  • Casualties Medic
    Wounded Hostile Action Shelton, Hann
    Killed Hostile Action - Reiser, died 16 Jan.

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