Howard Wallace Lakey
Army of the United States
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
July 14, 1947 to July 28, 1969
HOWARD W LAKEY is on the Wall at Panel W20, Line 66
See the full profile or name rubbing for Howard Lakey

Howard W Lakey
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06 Feb 2003

Spec-4 Howard Lakey was a friend that I met while a member of the 82nd Airborne Division. We served together in the Dominican Republic and then were both transferred to the 101st Airborne Division, 1st Brigade, in Viet Nam. Howey was with C Company, 1/327 and was wounded in April 1967.

He got out of the Army as an E-5 and worked in his home city to earn enough money to go to college. Howey wanted to be a police officer and deceided to re-enter the Army and go to MP School. Howey served stateside for several months as an MP and then decided to return to Viet Nam as an MP figuring he could save more money. Upon arrival in Nam the Army saw that he had been in the infantry and instead of continuing Howey as an MP, the Army transferred him to the infantry. Howey was killed three weeks later.

From a friend,
Larry R. Fuller

06 Mar 2005

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I served with Howard in the second platoon of Cobra Company, 1st Battalion, 327th Infantry of the 101st Airborne Division. He was my first fire team leader, and he taught me many of the things a new infantry soldier should know to survive in the field. As is true of soldiers in combat, we shared many adventures which made us more than just friends, brothers, or comrades. I miss Howard.

From a fellow paratrooper,
Earl De Long
7031 Autumn Park, San Antonio, Tx 78249


A Note from The Virtual Wall

A Company, 2/12th Infantry, lost two men on 28 July 1969: SP4 Peter J. Gerry of Quincy, Massachusetts, and CPL Howard W. Lakey. SP4 Gerry was a medic assigned to HHC 2/12 but was in the field with Alpha Company.

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