John Edward Krzmarcik
Private First Class
United States Marine Corps
Wausau, Wisconsin
March 17, 1950 to June 07, 1969
JOHN E KRZMARCIK is on the Wall at Panel W23, Line 102
See the full profile or name rubbing for John Krzmarcik

Combat Action Ribbon
John E Krzmarcik
3rdmaf.gif 1mardiv.gif 1stmarines.gif

16 Mar 2008

USMC Pfc. John Edward Krzmarcik was born in Fairbanks, Alaska, the son of the late Edward J. (U.S. Army Capt. Ret.) and DeLoures (Kutella) Krzmarcik. He was born while his father, a career Army man who served in the Pacific Theater during WWII, was stationed at Big Delta, Alaska. The family included oldest child Lynn, born at Ft. Jackson, South Carolina; and later Peter, born in San Juan (Camp Losey), Puerto Rico; Michael, born at Ft. Riley, Kansas; and Lisa, born in Merrill, Wisconsin.

John graduated from Wausau (Wisconsin) Senior High School in 1968 and shortly after graduation enlisted in the United States Marine Corps with three friends (Mark Bembinster, Scott Streich, and Bruce Hoss) under the delayed enlistment program. He served in Vietnam from early 1969 until he was KIA near DaNang in June of that year.

John believed strongly in what he was doing, which was why he enlisted in the Marines. He was a fun-loving, good-natured young man who loved life and hoped for a career in the U.S. Coast Guard following his service in the Marine Corps.

Gone but never forgotten!

From his sister,
Lynn Krzmarcik Kordus


A Note from The Virtual Wall

The 3rd Bn, 1st Marines' Command Chronology for June 1969 contains the following entry:

The eight Marines killed in the attack, which took place about 9 kilometers north-northeast of Dien Ban, were

  • LCpl Donald Arribi, Cliffside Park, NJ
  • LCpl Ronnie L. Clayburn, Franklin, KY (Bronze Star "V")
  • Pfc Robert R. Catherman, Baldwinsville, NY
  • Pfc John E. Krzmarcik, Wausau, WI
  • Pfc William T. Lynn, Princeton, IN
  • Pfc Larry W. Martin, Liberty, TX
  • Pfc Benjamin L. McCullough, Clio, MI
  • Pfc Joseph Trejo, Corona, CA

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