Joseph Gerald Krywicki
Fireman Apprentice
United States Navy
Holton, Michigan
March 08, 1947 to September 13, 1966
JOSEPH G KRYWICKI is on the Wall at Panel 15E, Line 26
See the full profile or name rubbing for Joseph Krywicki

Combat Action Ribbon
Joseph G Krywicki
usn_dark.gif navforv.gif tf-115.gif

03 Feb 2006

During the Vietnam War there was no overriding reason to keep close track of names of the men and women who died as a result of military service in the war zone. When, a decade after the withdrawal of US forces, the Vietnam Veterans Memorial was approved for construction, the service branches went back through their records to identify our dead by name. Inevitably some men who should have been on the "Wall" were not, and others who shouldn't have been were.

Over the years additional names have been inscribed on the Wall - some were men who died as a result of wounds, and others were men whose names were overlooked in earlier years.

If you visit the Wall and look at the names for 12 September 1966 (they're on Panel 10E, lines 088 and 089) you'll find nine men:

  • Major Stanley G. Sprague, Rapid City, SD, 602nd ACS
  • WO David P. Kuhns, Schnecksville, PA, 118TH AHC
  • SGT M L. Willis, Waskom, TX, 1st Bn, 18th Infantry
  • SP4 Jerry R. Bloomer, Anderson, IN, 54th Ord Co
  • LCpl Charles R. Crosley, New York, NY, Alpha 1/1 Marines
  • Pfc Benjamin P. Norton, Battle Creek, MI, Alpha 1/1 Marines
  • PFC Danny L. Naillon, Payette, ID, 2nd Surgical Hospital
  • PFC Rolando L. Soliz, San Antonio, TX, 1st Bn, 5th Infantry
  • Pfc David R. Faulconer, Yakima, WA, Delta 1/9 Marines
But there should be a tenth name among them, because on 12 September 1966 Fireman Apprentice Joseph Krywicki was shot while on watch at Qui Nhon, apparently in an accident. Joseph Krywicki's name does not appear on the Wall - but it should.

Almost 40 years later a researcher, Robert Sage, found a file in the LBJ Presidential Library that included the Letter of Condolences sent to FA Krywicki's family. When Robert realized that FA Krywicki had died in Vietnam but was absent from the Wall he initiated action. One result of Robert's action was to trigger a review by the Department of the Navy - so FA Krywicki's name may yet be added to the Wall.

Joseph Gerald Krywicki's name isn't on the Wall yet, and may never be - but he is remembered.

From a The Virtual Wall staff member,
Ken Davis


Memorial Day 2007

Joseph Gerald Krywicki was added to the Vietnam Veterans Memorial. His name isn't on Panel 10E, where it should be, but on Panel 15E, line 026.

02 Mar 2006

Every Soldier, Sailor, Marine, and Airman who perished in Vietnam or from wounds later should have their name placed on the Wall. Fireman Krywicki, your name be should as well. God Bless!

From a shipmate,
AE3 Joseph Palmer
E-mail address is not available.

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