Robert Alan Kreuziger
Private First Class
Army of the United States
Juneau, Wisconsin
January 14, 1944 to April 06, 1966
ROBERT A KREUZIGER is on the Wall at Panel 6E, Line 90
See the full profile or name rubbing for Robert Kreuziger

Robert A Kreuziger
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07 Oct 2005

Robbie was my Dad's identical twin brother. The two were inseparable as children and had that relationship that only identical twins can have. They were also trouble makers, but I guess you get that being 2 of 14 children in a large farming family.

Robbie was to be coming home on leave on April 12, 1966, and my Dad couldn't wait. I am sure it was the first time they were ever apart for that long. Unfortunately, Robbie didn't come home the way my Dad had hoped. Instead of a party, there was a funeral. Robbie's superior officer apparently was not aware that he was a twin, because when he saw my Dad walk in for the funeral, he almost had a heart attack.

Robbie has a daughter that he never met. She looks more like my Dad than my sister and I do. He was a good husband and I know would have been a great father.

I know that his brother's death has been and always will be hard on my Dad. He is a quiet man about his feelings, but he gets very quiet around the time of Robbie's death and during Memorial and Labor Day holidays.

The Moving Wall ceremony and presentation in Brownsville, Wisconsin, brought back many memories for my Dad, I am sure both good and bad. I was very surprised when he wanted to go. He has never even been able to watch any movies portraying the Vietnam War. I don't know if he will ever get to the original Wall, but this was more than enough for him, for his closure.

Robbie, even though I never met you, I have a good idea of what you would have looked like. If you were anything like my Dad, I would have loved you just the same. I miss the man I was never able to meet.

Lori Bauer

12 Dec 2005

Robert was known to all of the cousins as Robbie. He was kind, always smiling, and willing to help his younger cousins understand life a little better. He has been missed greatly.

Thanks, cousin, for letting us get to know you, if only briefly.

From a cousin,
Gene L. Kreuziger

31 Jul 2007

To an uncle I never met but can see his personality in my Uncle Ramey and in my own father. Our family name will continue and members of our family who have served will also be remembered. I haven't seen the Kreuziger family in a long time and I miss them.

Sgt. Robin P. Kreuziger
Veteran of Operation Iraqi Freedom
3649 Firetower Road, Huntingdon, Tennessee


A Note from The Virtual Wall

"A" Company, 2/16th Infantry, lost two men on 06 Apr 1966 - PFC Robert A. Kreuziger and SP4 Jack A. Smith of Bay Minette, Alabama.

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