James Clyde Kraynak
Army of the United States
Connellsville, Pennsylvania
July 21, 1946 to August 18, 1968
JAMES C KRAYNAK is on the Wall at Panel W48, Line 44
See the full profile or name rubbing for James Kraynak

James C Kraynak
usarv.gif 25idsm.gif 22ndinf.gif

01 Jun 2008


by a cousin,
Deb Munnings


A Note from The Virtual Wall

Nui Ba Den Mountain, an extinct volcano, rises in splendid isolation out of the rice paddies north of Tay Ninh City. Covered with jungle and riddled with caves and tunnels, the "Black Virgin" mountain was home to VC units throughout the war - but the top of the mountain belonged to the US Army and was home to a radio relay station. Although the VC/NVA made several attempts to capture or destroy the relay station they were not successful.

On 17 August 1968 a series of attacks occurred in Tay Ninh Province, leading to a month's hard fighting. The 25th Infantry Division's After-Action Report for the Battle of Tay Ninh City contains the following entry for the night of 17/18 August:

The eight US soldiers who died at Nui Ba Den were

  • 125th Sig Bn, 25th Inf Div
    • SP4 Ronald M. Heinecke, Theresa, WI, Prov Sig Company
    • PFC Arturo S. Zamora, Mathis, TX, C Company

  • A Company, 3rd Bn, 22nd Infantry, 25th Inf Div
    • SGT James C. Kraynak, Connellsville, PA
    • SGT Kenneth L. Krom, Walkersville, MD
    • SP4 James R. Moncrief, Cordova, AL
    • PFC Gilbert T. Delgado, Houston, TX
    • PFC Roy D. Lowe, Charlotte Court House, VA

  • F Company, 50th Infantry, 25th Inf Div
    • PFC Lorenzo Sewell, Sayreton, AL

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