James Lee Kramer
Specialist Four
Army of the United States
Las Vegas, Nevada
August 03, 1946 to February 15, 1967
JAMES L KRAMER is on the Wall at Panel 15E, Line 33
See the full profile or name rubbing for James Kramer


29 Mar 2003

"To live in the hearts we leave behind,
is never to have died."
(Thomas Campbell, circa 1888)

From his niece's husband,
William Gies
E-mail address is not available.

16 Aug 2003

My name is Jeff Thronson. I'm writing from South Dakota and I wanted to say that my brother Jim (now deceased) served with James Kramer in Viet Nam in C Co. 1/12th Infantry. My brother was with Sp4 Kramer on that fateful day in Feb 67.

According to my brother's account, their platoon was ambushed, everyone made it out OK except for Louis Willett, who stayed behind to provide covering fire (and was later awarded the Medal of Honor) and when Kramer realized that Willett hadn't made it to safety, he went back to retrieve him and was killed in the process. He was truly an American Hero.

Jeff Thronson
Contact Us


Notes from The Virtual Wall

By days' end on 15 Feb 1967 C/1/12 Inf had lost four men:
  • Platoon Sergeant Richard A. Carver
  • Specialist 4 James L. Kramer
  • Staff Sergeant John J. Raymond
  • PFC Louis E. Willett (Medal of Honor)
The following text offers an outline of what occurred in connection with SP4 Kramer and PFC Willett:
[Willett] was a rifleman with Company C which engaged the Viet Cong while on a security sweep. His squad was pinned down by heavy automatic weapons fire. Despite a deadly fusillade, Willett rose to his feet firing rapid bursts and moving to a position from which he could place effective fire upon the foe.

His action allowed the rest of the squad to begin to withdraw. Willett covered the withdrawal but his position drew heavy machinegun fire and he received multiple wounds as the squad was once again trapped.

Willett, in heroic disregard of his painful wounds, struggled to an upright stance and again engaged the enemy with his rifle so that his squad could continue and several of his wounded comrades could be evacuated. He engaged in close range battle until he fell from mortal wounds.

From Neil Mishalov's Medal of Honor site

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