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Jonathan Peter Kmetyk
Lance Corporal
2ND PLT, C CO, 1ST RECON BN, 1ST MARDIV, III MAF United States Marine Corps Niagara Falls, New York August 17, 1947 to November 14, 1967 JONATHAN P KMETYK is on the Wall at Panel 29E, Line 96 See the full profile or name rubbing for Jonathan Kmetyk |
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Lance Corporal Peter Kmetyk was assigned to C Company of the 1st Recon Battalion, 1st Marine Division in Vietnam. On November 14, 1967, he and his unit were conducting a long-range reconnaissance patrol 25 miles southwest of Da Nang. The patrol was operating in very rugged terrain characterized by thick growth of thirty-foot high trees and six to seven foot underbrush. The patrol was 10 miles from the nearest friendly force and the only way to get into or out of the area was by helicopter. At about 1030 hours on November 14, the patrol was taken under fire by a Viet Cong force. Peter was hit by enemy small arms fire and he was instantly killed. Attempts were made to get a helicopter to evacuate his body, but monsoon season weather was such that the helicopter could not make the evacuation. The patrol members carried Peter for over a mile through the jungle to a pre-planned extraction point. At approximately 1130 a.m. on November 15, while the patrol was still proceeding to the the landing zone, the rear of the patrol was hit by automatic weapons fire, and the Marines carrying Peter had to put him down and seek cover. Repeated efforts were made to recover Peter's body, but each time the effort was repulsed. One member of the patrol was wounded in the last attempt. An additional search was made from November 20-24, but with negative results. Peter Kmetyk is listed with honor among the missing because his remains were not recovered for burial in the country he served or his homeland.
From the
Hal and Maddy Laffin csaltnpepper@yahoo.com |
From one who wears his MIA bracelet, |
You are not forgotten.
Cleveland N. Williams |
REMEMBEREDby his cousin,Marc Kmetyk ponyexpress_302@hotmail.com |
I served with Pete Kmetyk in Charlie Co. 1st Recon Bn. I was in third platoon and Pete was in second. I still remember the feeling we all had at losing him to a sniper and not being able to bring his body out of the bush. I wasn't on that patrol but remember when his fellow patrol members came off the choppers and how much anguish there was that day. I was a burial escort immediately before I was deployed to Vietnam and knew very well the impact of not being able to bring home his remains. I have his framed picture on my office wall at home (the same one posted at the top of this site). Below it I have a photo I took of his name on the Wall, and the rubbing I got while on a visit to the memorial. I want those friends and loved ones who miss Pete, to know that he is remembered elsewhere too.
From a fellow 1st Recon Marine, |
A Note from The Virtual WallThe text of the Madden's original memorial is taken verbatim from the POW Network site as linked. The mission was established by 1st Recon Bn Operation Order 611-67 dated 09 Nov 1967. Both the Op Order and the post-patrol report for RT PANAMA HAT are contained in the 1st Recon Bn's Command Chronology for November 1967, as are the 1st Recon's daily Situation Reports. While there are no major differences between the POW Network description of events and the Chronology the latter does contain additional information.According to the report the team consisted of 1 USMC officer, a Lieutenant Langdon; 10 USMC enlisted; 2 USN Corpsmen; and one US Army soldier - but the patrol member list contains 15 names. There are two officers, the patrol leader LT Langdon and a LT Kelley (service unknown). The US Army soldier was a SP4 Rosenberg. Neither the Op Order nor the post-patrol report explains who LT Kelley was or why an Army attachment was on the patrol, but the inclusion of Army personnel was not uncommon. PANAMA HAT departed from LZ FINCH and for insertion into the Hiep Duc Valley ("Happy Valley") at 1300 11 November. The first engagement was at 1850 14 Nov at ZC166631, when a single enemy trooper shot and killed Lance Corporal Kmetyk. The team broke contact by fire and moved to the north-northwest. Between 1200 and 1330 15 Nov in the vicinity of ZC164646 PANAMA HAT was twice engaged by two separate enemy teams of 4-5 men each. From the Situation Report for 15 Nov:
On 18 Nov 1967 1st Recon OpOrd 626-67 was signed out directing a patrol from 2nd Plt, A Co, 1st Recon to be inserted on the 20th with the primary mission of recovering LCpl Kmetyk's body from the vicinity of ZC164645. Although the patrol leader was a SSgt Mills, LT Langdon accompanied the BURLAP team - 1 officer, 10 USMC enlisted, and 1 USN Corpsman. BURLAP went in at 1020 20 Nov and was extracted at 1745 22 Nov. The post-patrol report states that "Although the assigned area was covered by the patrol, they could find no trace of the missing KIA [LCpl Kmetyk]". |
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