Daniel Lee Kinnard
Specialist Four
Army of the United States
Newark, Ohio
October 21, 1949 to March 09, 1968
DANIEL L KINNARD is on the Wall at Panel 43E, Line 67
See the full profile or name rubbing for Daniel Kinnard

Daniel L Kinnard
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"Not for fame or reward, not for place or for rank,
but in simple obedience to duty,
as they understood it."
Confederate Memorial, Arlington National Cemetery

A memorial from his family.

04 Dec 2002

Although I didn't get to know him, I was in the same company and the same battle that he died in. It was near or in a village called Ap Dong Lam. We assaulted this village that had an estimated two companies or more of North Vietnamese Regulars. We lost Sergeant Tetrick, my squad leader and Sp/4 Clelow out of my squad which was from 1st platoon A Co. 1/502. I am sorry Daniel was lost in this battle as were ten or eleven others from A Co. I wish I had got to know him and I know he was a fine soldier as were all the men from this company. He has soared with the eagles and the people that did know him will never forget.

Charles Cole


Specialist 4 Daniel Kinnard
is remembered by his comrades of the
Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 55,
P. O. Box 624, Newark, Ohio 43058,
Licking County, Ohio.


Visit John Dennison's
Medics on the Wall
memorial which honors the
Army Medics and Navy Corpsmen who died in Vietnam.

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