Garland Bryan King, Jr
Lieutenant Colonel
Army of the United States
Fort Smith, Arkansas
September 07, 1927 to June 19, 1969
GARLAND B KING Jr is on the Wall at Panel W22, Line 90
See the full profile or name rubbing for Garland King


8 Nov 2001


My Hero, My Dad

Dad flew helicopters and fixed wing aircraft in the US Army. His career spanned 23 years, including two full tours and an earlier advisory tour in Viet Nam.

Some time after his death, I joined the US Army and also began a military flying career that spanned 20 years. My greatest love of all the aircraft I flew was the AH-1F Cobra.

My greatest wish would have been for dad and I to fly together.
I miss you, dad.

Your loving son,
Garland Bryan King III
5112 Tanner Drive
Iona, ID 83427


A Note from The Virtual Wall

The VHPA database contains the following note regarding LTC King:
"King was on TDY in country on a classified mission when he was killed. This kind of mix up often occurred when different headquarters were involved. He was under DOD orders working as an Army Item Project Officer assisting Navy SEALS and Marines on their Air Cushion Vehicles. It seems that at the end of a mission while everyone was off loading at dockside a crewman dropped his M-16 which was not on safe. It discharged and stitched King with four rounds across his chest. We were both Signal Corps assigned as Project Officers to the Communications and Electronics Branch of the Army Concept Team in Vietnam (ACTIV). We flew the UH-1B assigned on various projects. King had the DECCA Navigation System which he tested in use on operational missions. I had the Heliborne Command Post ... Our initial tour was in 1963-64 with both King and I returning on TDY several occasions."

Wilmer L. Preston
LTC US Army (Ret)
July 1999"

Garland Bryan King, Jr,
Lieutenant Colonel, United States Army,
was buried on 30 June 1969 in Plot 13-0-100,
Fort Smith National Cemetery,
Fort Smith, Arkansas
surrounded by other men of courage and integrity.

Among them is his father,
Garland Bryan King,
Sergeant, United States Army,
in Plot 1-0-606.

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