Raymond Joseph Kiesler
Army of the United States
Chicago, Illinois
May 26, 1947 to October 26, 1969
RAYMOND J KIESLER is on the Wall at Panel W17, Line 121
See the full profile or name rubbing for Raymond Kiesler


19 Nov 2007

Our time together was so brief but our friendship became so very strong. After all these years I still remember that bond and I thank God for the time we did share. You will never be forgotten.

From a friend,
William Freeman
CSM (Ret)
1100 Windmill Lane, Silver Spring, Md 20905

02 Apr 2008

Even though I did not know Ray, I feel compelled to say something on behalf all of the vets who served. At the time of the conflict, I was a young man of draft age with a lottery number of 105, but I was never called. I was neither a protester of the war nor a supporter, but if I would have been called, I would have gone.

Years later, I taught some college courses and had a number of Vietnam vets as students, and they were the most studious and intelligent of all of my "kids" and their involvement and sacrifices left a permanent impression on me as deep as if I had served myself.

Thank you, again, to all who served and died for the rest of us left behind. Whether it was at Normandy (my father who survived and whose last assignment was the liberation of Buchenwald), Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan or Iraq, my heart, mind and prayers will always be with you.

Eric N. Kister

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