Robert Kennedy, Jr
Army of the United States
Birmingham, Alabama
June 20, 1947 to October 21, 1969
ROBERT KENNEDY Jr is on the Wall at Panel W17, Line 102
See the full profile or name rubbing for Robert Kennedy


28 Jul 2008

I was Kennedy's platoon leader and I was with him the day he was killed.

Sergeant Kennedy was a good soldier who intended to make a career of the military. He was my squad leader for 2nd Platoon. I was his Platoon Leader and prior to our mission on Rocket Ridge 10-21-69 he asked to go to the rear to send money home to help his mother with expenses for younger siblings. He frequently sent money home to help his family. Our platoon was short on men and I could not spare him from the mission. Had he been a screw-up, I would likely have authorized him to go to the rear that day but that was not the case. It would be a dark day for 2nd Platoon as we lost Sergeant Kennedy and Pvt Mark Preis when we were mortared that day. His memory is forever etched in my mind. Sergeant Kennedy, I along with our Brothers of Bravo salute you. Rest in peace.

Tom Combs


A Note from The Virtual Wall

On 21 Oct 1969 B Company, 1st Bn, 11th Infantry lost three men to enemy mortar fire. The MACV Summary for 21 Oct reports that two elements of the 5th Inf Div operating just below the DMZ southwest of Con Thien (Hill 158) received enemy fire, one at 0900 and the other at 1420. The 0900 incident, about 5 KM west-southwest of Con Thien, apparently involved only mortar fire and probably is the incident which resulted in the deaths of The 1420 incident, somewhat further south, involved an engagement with NVA troops and probably is the incident in which SGT Donald R. Desmarais, B Co, 1/77 Armor, was killed.

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