George Percy Kendall, Jr
United States Marine Corps
Missoula, Montana
February 06, 1930 to February 04, 1968
GEORGE P KENDALL Jr is on the Wall at Panel 37E, Line 23
See the full profile or name rubbing for George Kendall

Combat Action Ribbon

12 June 2005

On the 4th of February 1968, Marine forces, elements of the 1st and 5th Marines, were heavily engaged with a numerically superior force of North Vietnamese Army (NVA) regulars, south of the "Parfum River" in the beginning of some of the fiercest fighting of the Vietnam war. Intelligence of the enemy disposition and strength was sketchy at best. In an attempt to glean some information from locals or any NVA stragglers, an ad hoc sub-team was pulled together by Captain J. T. Irons, Team Commander of the 3d ITT attached to the 1st Marines, consisting of Irons, Sgt Tony Billups (3d ITT), an S-2 Scout, GySgt Kendall (11th ITT) and two US Army soldiers who were assigned to MAC-V. This small "patrol" headed south from the river toward the soccer stadium. In the vicinity of the stadium, Captain Irons split the unit and sent Kendall, Billups and one soldier around the West Side, while he, the scout and the other soldier went to the east. With the first burst, Irons sustained a small wound and the intense automatic weapons fire pinned down the entire unit. GySgt Kendall and Sgt Billups were now approaching the corner and observed what was taking place.

Kendall immediately moved to assist his fellow Marines, firing his weapon as he advanced. The NVA machine gunner traversed his weapon 90 degrees and took Kendall under fire, killing him with a fatal burst and wounding Billups in the leg. GySgt Kendall's action allowed Irons and his men to move to a more covered position and to lay down suppressing fire.

Despite his wounded leg, Billups ran back to the MAC-V compound for reinforcements to retrieve Kendall's body from its exposed position. It was not known until that action that the soccer stadium was being used as an NVA regimental staging and supply area. Gunny Kendall had acquitted himself quite gallantly that day. His selfless action resulted in others achieving relative safety. For his courageous initiative he was awarded the Silver Star Medal.

From an MCITTA Member.

The President of the United States
takes pride in presenting the


posthumously to

Gunnery Sergeant George P. Kendall, Jr.
United States Marine Corps

for service as set forth in the following


For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity in action against the enemy while serving as Chief Interrogator with the Eleventh Interrogation Translation Team, III Marine Amphibious Force, in the Republic of Vietnam from 31 January to 4 February 1968 during Operation HUE CITY. Serving with Advisory Team Three on 31 January, Sergeant Kendall directed the evacuation of casualties throughout the night while the North Vietnamese Army force launched a concentrated mortar and rocket attack upon the city. The following morning, despite intense enemy sniper fire and mortar barrages, he led a group of Marines to the embarkation point and assisted in placing the wounded aboard helicopters. Volunteering, he accompanied reaction forces on patrols in order to obtain vital intelligence information. During the three-day period, he conducted exhaustive interrogations at the Thua Thien refugee center, screening approximately 1,300 refugees and obtaining valuable intelligence information. On 4 February, Sergeant Kendall volunteered to serve as Noncommissioned Officer in Charge of a reconnaissance/intelligence patrol in the vicinity of Hue Stadium. After securing vital intelligence information, the patrol leader and another Marine deployed to search the west side of the stadium and immediately became pinned down by intense enemy semiautomatic weapons fire. Sergeant Kendall, in an attempt to aid his besieged comrades, maneuvered around the east wall of the stadium and was wounded by enemy automatic weapons fire. With complete disregard for his own safety and his painful wound, he continued his advance but was wounded again by enemy fire. Undaunted, he continued his one-man assault on the enemy machine gun, silencing it before he succumbed to his wounds. By his bold initiative, intrepid fighting spirit and loyal devotion to duty, Sergeant Kendall reflected great credit upon himself and the Marine Corps and upheld the highest traditions of the United States Naval Service. He gallantly gave his life for his country.

For the President,

Leonard F. Chapman, Jr.
General, United States Marine Corps
Commandant of the Marine Corps

Staff Sergeant Kendall also received a posthumous promotion to Gunnery Sergeant.

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