Eric Steven Kelly
Specialist Four
Army of the United States
La Crosse, Wisconsin
August 28, 1949 to August 12, 1971
ERIC S KELLY is on the Wall at Panel W3, Line 129
See the full profile or name rubbing for Eric Kelly

Eric S Kelly
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29 Nov 2003

To my big brother Steve,

KellyES01d.jpg We buried Dad right next to you last January and are awaiting the monument that is being made memorializing both you and Dad. But you know all of this already, don't you! It is a memorial of our love to you and Dad and to your dedication to the Army and the Navy and to the United States that you both so proudly served. You will beat in our hearts forever, Steve. I know you and Dad are catching up on all the missed years when you had to leave us in 1971. Karin, your sweetheart, is a part of our family now, we "adopted" her as a sister. She has never married. She will be with you someday also along with the rest of us. In the meantime, I will spend the rest of my days with the glorious memories of the days you spent with us on earth.Thank you for teaching me how to hunt and fish and how to make fried egg sandwiches. Thank you for giving and teaching me your love of the outdoors and of nature. Have fun with Dad, go deer hunting together and catch up on all the good times. I love you forever. I long for the day we can all be together again.

Your sister,
Sandy Groth
Augusta, Wisconsin



Steve and our little brother Stacey in the uniform Steve bought him the day he left for Vietnam.


Steve (far left) and crew of the helicopter he was shot down with.

21 Jan 2004

Hello Steve,

What a beautiful memorial to you. I think of you often and still have all your letters. My thoughts often go back to our times at Doc and Tomena's farm and all the places there that we walked and talked. Your family have been kind enough to adopt me and I appreciate it so much as I have no family left but my mother who is now 94. I still love critters and have a whole family of them! The memories I have of you are the sweetest of my whole life and you will always be the love of my life. Some day I will see you again and we'll be together forever. For now, you're as close as my thoughts and memories.

I'll always love you.



A Note from The Virtual Wall

While returning at altitude from a mission along the DMZ, a UH-1H (tail number 67-17791) of D Troop, 3/5 Cavalry, flew through the trajectory of a 122mm rocket. The aircraft exploded, killing all eight men aboard - the four crewmen and a four-man "blue team" from the troop's infantry platoon:
  • Crewmen:
    • 1LT John C. Thompson, Lincoln, NE, pilot
    • CWO Lawrence L. Kelly, Munhall, PA, pilot
    • SP5 Robert T. Nelson, Madison, AL, crew chief
    • SP4 Eric S. Kelly, La Crosse, WI, gunner

  • "Blue Team" members:
    • SSG James Wright, Columbia, SC
    • SP4 Gary L. Holian, Chicago, IL
    • SP4 Gail L. Strickland, Amarillo, TX
    • PFC Larry McCoy, Brandon, MS

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