Jeffrey Charles Keetle
Army of the United States
Ashland, Ohio
February 02, 1949 to March 23, 1971
JEFFREY C KEETLE is on the Wall at Panel W4, Line 70
See the full profile or name rubbing for Jeffrey Keetle


28 May 2001

Jeffrey ...

I barely even knew you, but I knew your mom. She was my orchestra teacher at Ashland Junior High School and my connection to this war that I now teach about every year. I remember her talking about this place called "Vietnam". More importantly, I still remember the day she found out about your death and the impact it had on so many of us in the 7th grade. We saw you as the bravest of brave in a war we didn't begin to understand ...

I am a teacher now and a parent of two sons. Each year as I take my class of 8th grade history students to The Wall in DC, we look up your name, make a rubbing and remember the honor and valor with which you served. I have just returned from that annual trip. On this Memorial Day ... I wish to do just that - remember you! You and your family have not been forgotten.

From a friend,
Elaine Hess

03 Aug 2003


Engaging grin,
Infectious laugh,
Cool, clever, Class Clown.
Loved the Army ("Romeo Alpha").
At the Truckstop "Give me a Bravo Lima Tango!"
Image: Playing poker - resplendent in dog tags.
Beer, country roads and .22 rifles - Who shot the fox?
Last time I saw you
"Bob-A-Lou Bar, shake and bake program, buddy system
Can't go, already signed up for the Marines"
Rendezvous with Destiny.
The letter came, did not have to open to see the clipping inside.
Sat on the steps of the barracks and wondered why.
Painted Tombstone epitaph - "I love you" - who?
Empty chair at the 35th High School reunion.

Jeff, you will be happy to know that you and those who served with you are now held in much higher regard today than we were in 1971.


We have done with Hope and Honour,
We are lost to Love and Truth,
We are dropping down the ladder rung by rung,
And the measure of our torment is the measure of our youth.
God help us, for we knew the worst too young!
Our shame is clean repentance
For the crime that brought the sentence,
Our pride it is to know no spur of pride,
And the Curse of Reuben holds us
Til an alien turf enfolds us
And we die, and none can tell
Them where we died.
We're poor little lambs who've lost our way, Baa! Baa! Baa!
We're little black sheep who've gone astray, Baa--aa--aa!
Gentlemen-rankers out on the spree,
Damned from here to Eternity,
God ha' mercy on such as we, Baa! Yah! Bah!
- Rudyard Kipling -

From a friend and High School classmate,
Steven J Beem

03 May 2006

Hey Keetle, I'm so glad that I found you again. I remember the first time I saw you on the Wall at D.C. I was with Bill, my husband of now almost thirty years. (Can you believe it? We were both such crazy kids.) Mom and Dad are gone, but the farm still looks great. Bill and I plan on building a home there next year so Jennifer, our fourteen-year-old daughter, can enjoy her high school years in paradise.

I return to you and the Wall every year in May with around one hundred 6th graders in tow. I tell them about Jeff Keetle and how hard it was for me to accept the death of someone who was like a brother. They all write poems to you and the veterans, and we leave them there at your name. Many of the poems you find here will be from my students. Maybe you feel my tears on that special day in May. I'll write again. I love you, Jeff. Jo

From his adopted sister,
Jo Campbell Jackson
E-mail address is not available.

03 May 2006


The soldier standing so proud
with a gun in his hand ready to
fight for his country. He goes
into war his shirt and pants tore
but still fighting for his country.

Knowing as he fights,
he stands to lose all including
his life. I'll always be grateful
to the soldiers who've given the
ultimate sacrifice for my freedoms.
By: Ashley Cromer

From a student of his friend Mrs Jo Jackson,
Ashley Cromer
E-mail address is not available.

08 Aug 2006


When my children were much younger, I took them to the Wall and we rubbed your name. I told them stories of you so they could know the person instead of just an etching. I told them of some of your antics and the basketball you and I and Dave V. and Toad played.

I can remember the day I heard the news while stationed in South Carolina. It was hard to believe then and still is. You didn't have a chance to do the things I take for granted, those very things for which you died to provide.

I miss you, buddy.

Your High School friend,
Dave Koehler


A Note from The Virtual Wall

D Troop, 2nd Squadron, 17th Cavalry, lost three men to a mine or mines on 23 March 1971:
  • SGT Jeffery I. Quintanilla, San Diego, CA;
  • CPL Jeffrey C. Keetle, Ashland, OH; and
  • CPL Lance A. Robinson, Brookfield, WI.

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