Larry Dean Keeler
Specialist Five
Army of the United States
Ponca City, Oklahoma
May 25, 1948 to December 15, 1969
LARRY D KEELER is on the Wall at Panel W15, Line 59
See the full profile or name rubbing for Larry Keeler


15 Aug 2005

The web site "In the Shadow of the Blade" tells the story of aircraft 206 in a segment filmed in Killeen, Texas (LZ KILLEEN). "Corky" Rose was honored along with the other four crewmembers who died with him when their UH-1H (206) crashed 15 Dec 1969. This segment of the documentary film "In the Shadow of the Blade" deals with a family being shown that their loved one did not die alone and has not been forgotten.

From one who served with him in the 176th AHC,
Larry Shatto


A Note from The Virtual Wall

On the night of 15 December 1969 the 176th Assault Helicopter Company was called upon to fly a night flare mission. The Company Operations Officer recalls the circumstances:
"Rose and Keeler were going home the next day. I was operations officer and they came to say goodby to me. When the call came in for a flare mission, they said "one more". They physically threw the crew chief off and went up with Stockton, Hyden and Barritt."
- Steve Kerchenfaut -

While flying under a 200 foot cloud ceiling the aircraft inadvertently went into instrument flight conditions - and crashed before the crew could regain visual conditions. Five men were killed in the crash of UH-1H tail number 68-16206:

Some sources indicate that Warrant Officer Hyden was the Aircraft Commander (pilot in command) and 1LT Stockton was copilot, but the casualty database indicates the reverse - and The Virtual Wall has followed the official record.

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