Everett Eugene Justice, Jr
Private First Class
United States Marine Corps
Mount Airy, Maryland
February 18, 1949 to February 07, 1968
EVERETT E JUSTICE Jr is on the Wall at Panel 38E, Line 4
See the full profile or name rubbing for Everett Justice

Combat Action Ribbon

4 May 2001


Marine Private First Class Everett E. Justice Jr. was killed in action in Vietnam on Feb. 7, 1968.

Justice, who was 18, enlisted in the Marines in a program that allowed him to do so before he was graduated from Mt. Airy High School. He was the sixth Carroll Countian (Maryland) killed in action in Vietnam. Justice completed boot camp training in August 1967 and went to Vietnam in November of that year.

Photo and text from the CARROLL COUNTY TIMES
Memorial Day edition 1989

A memorial from a fellow Carroll Countian.

1 Mar 2005

Thank you for what you gave to us, Everett.

You were my brother's best friend, and a fine member of our church while you were here with us.

My prayers are with you, and your family, always.

To you, in Christ,
Ron Athey


A Note from The Virtual Wall

Throughout the war the North Vietnamese Army enjoyed a sort of sanctuary within and north of the Demilitarized Zone, since the United States was extremely reluctant to conduct operations within the southern half of the DMZ and flatly refused to cross into the DMZ midline into the northern half or North Vietnam proper. While the NVA-controlled ares were subject to air and artillery strikes, the NVA troops became very adept at tunneling and otherwise concealing themselves. They also became very adept at passing through the relatively thin Allied lines along the DMZ and were perfectly capable of deploying regimental-sized forces behind those lines.

On 07 Feb 1968, at the height of the NVA/VC Tet Offensive, Kilo Company, 3/3 Marines tangled with an NVA battalion on the road running from the artillery base at Alpha 3 to Gio Linh. Although Marine courage and Allied fire superiority once again forced the NVA to withdraw, the battle was extremely costly - 30 dead from Kilo 3/3, 4 dead from H&S 3/3, and one each from Alpha 1st Tanks and Fox 2/3.

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