Dubois Robert Jones
Private First Class
United States Marine Corps
Baltimore, Maryland
May 07, 1947 to January 31, 1968
DUBOIS R JONES is on the Wall at Panel 36E, Line 18
See the full profile or name rubbing for Dubois Jones

Combat Action Ribbon

16 Mar 2006

Hey man, after 38 years I still miss you. Bro, we had fun.

Wilford Butler

20 Jan 2007

Brother Jones was a calming influence in a troubled storm when I arrived in Vietnam as a member of a reinforcement group to 3rd Batalion 1st Marines, Mike Company, in January of 1968.

3rd Battalion had just suffered a defeat and had retreated to the USS VALLEY FORGE for medical attention, and also to receive new troops of which I was one. I met Bro Jones at that time and have never forgotten the wonderful conversations that we had. Although 3/1 was experiencing a quiet moment, to say the least after having suffered so many dead and wounded, Bro Jones, and also, Bro Butler, two Marines who had been in Vietnam fo quite a while and were experienced in the field, took time to welcome me to Mike company, and educate me on survival. I will never forget the valuable support that I received from you both. I never got the chance to thank either of you. I thank you now.

I remember the day that Bro Jones was killed, and how his death affected everybody in Mike Company, especially his good friends, one being Bro Butler. Words of assurance spoken to me by Bro Jones the night before we left the USS VALLEY FORGE and entered into the battle that took his life, kept me strong throughout my Vietnam experience and, indeed, throughout my life. The words were, "Don't Give Up!"

May God bless the family of Dubois Robert Jones. I will always remember him.

From a friend,
Herbert Alan Reed


A Note from The Virtual Wall

In late 1967, 3rd Battalion, 1st Marines, and reinforcing elements formed Battalion Landing Team 3/1 embarked in the amphibious warfare ships of Task Force 76.5 [USS VALLEY FORGE (LPH 8), USS NAVARRO (APA 215), USS ALAMO (LSD 33), USS WHETSTONE (LSD 27), and USS VERNON COUNTY (LST 1161)]. BLT 3/1 provided an amphibious and airmobile ready reserve force for the 3rd Marine Amphibious Force and found themselves heavily committed during the TET 68 offensive.

During operations ashore between 25 Jan and 08 Feb 1968, the 3/1 Marines lost at least 42 men; of these, 14 were killed in an action on 31 Jan 1968. The 3/1 After-Action Report for Operations BADGER CATCH/SALINE/NAPOLEON-SALINE contains the following entry:

"Mai Xa Thi (east) (YD 286672) 31 Jan 68: Co M moved into the attack position under cover of darkness. Co K moved one platoon down from the north to conduct a diversionary attack on the opposite side of the hamlet. Surprise was achieved; however, the enemy rapidly adjusted his defenses. Co M attacked throughout the day. A section of LVTH-6's arrived in direct support of Co M at about 0930H. Good progress was made on the left but none on the right. Co I moved up by LVT on the left to allow Co M to concentrate on the right flank. Co L moved up to assist Co M and Co I. Throughout the operation the enemy delivered effective mortar, artillery, and AW fire from their positions across the river in the western part of the hamlet. At dusk the enemy broke. Co M and Co I moved forward continuing the attack under illumination. Night defensive positions were established about 2300H. The remainder of the position was occupied the next morning. Among the weapons captured were a 82mm mortar and a 12.7mm machine gun."
The fourteen men from 3/1 Marines were
  • H&S Company:
    • Pfc Arthur J. Roberts, Dayton, OH

  • India Company:
    • Pfc Robert W. Jenkins, Gray, GA

  • Lima Company:
    • SSgt Combly H. Henrickson, San Diego, CA
    • Cpl James A. Brennan, Creve Coeur, MO
    • Pfc Thomas G. D Eustachio, New York, NY

  • Mike Company:

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