Jimmie Lee Johnson
Private First Class
Army of the United States
Anderson, Indiana
January 04, 1950 to March 01, 1970
JIMMIE L JOHNSON is on the Wall at Panel W13, Line 71
See the full profile or name rubbing for Jimmie Johnson


12 Jan 2007


by a friend.
E-mail address is not available.

19 Feb 2007

Jimmy was a nice kid who was only with the 554th Engineers for about a month when stepped on a mine while sweeping the road we were building from Cu Chi to Dau Tieng. I know the records show him as being in the 168th Engineers, he was actually in the 554th Engineers when he died. Jimmy, there isn't a day that goes by when I don't think about that fateful day in March. I wish there was more that we could do for you. Sgt Barry

From a comrade in arms,
Jim Barry


A Note from The Virtual Wall

The Central Identification Laboratory Hawaii database does show PFC Johnson as assigned to D Company, 168th Engineers. Johnson arrived in the Republic of Vietnam on 28 Jan 1970 and was killed on 01 March 1970. At that time, the 168th Engineers were packing up to go home (they left RVN on 09 Apr 1970) and would have been transferring men who were not close to the end of their tour ... and Johnson was just starting his tour.

While Sergeant Barry's statement that PFC Johnson was with the 554th Engineers at the time of his death is entirely reasonable, The Virtual Wall is leaving him in Delta 158th Engrs pending receipt of a service record extract.

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