James Clarence Jewell, Jr
United States Marine Corps
Columbus, Ohio
March 09, 1948 to May 29, 1968
JAMES C JEWELL Jr is on the Wall at Panel W63, Line 7
See the full profile or name rubbing for James Jewell

Combat Action Ribbon
James C Jewell
3rdmaf.gif 1mardiv.gif 5thmarines2.gif

29 May 2005

It was great to know ya, Bucky, and to call you a friend.

Thanks for your service.

E-mail address is not available.


A Note from The Virtual Wall

The 1st Bn, 5th Marines' Command Chronology for May 1968 contains the following entry:
"290615H [6:15 am 29 May 1968] - Company C squad at YD954052 observed large group of enemy at YD945052. Fired artillery mission and enemy broke contact. Gunships and aerial observer requested. Two (2) tanks dispatched with Company D in an attempt to close with the enemy. Estimated NVA company encountered in grid square YD9506. Additional troops committed, friendly disposition as follows: 2nd Plt, Company D YD936058, 1st Plt Company C YD955055, 1st Plt Company D with tanks YD953055, CAP 3-2-8 YD958062, 3rd Plt Company D YD955064, and 13th ARVN Railroad Security Plt at YD960055. One squad Company C set up blocking position at YD954052. Enemy center of mass YD961062. Fixed wing and artillery used against enemy position. At 1500H [3:00 pm] 3rd Plt Company B and 3rd Plt Company D conducted attack to southeast against moderate to heavy resistance. Moderate contact continued to dusk. Condition of battle area indicates a detailed search to determine the full damage sustained by the enemy. Search will be conducted by Company D during the next few days until completed. Cumulative Results: 5 USMC KIA; 9 USMC WIAE, 55 NVA KIA; 9 NVA POW/Detainees..."
There actually were six Marines who died as a result of the engagement - four from Delta 1/5 and two from CAP 3-2-8:
  • Delta 1/5 5th Marines:
    • Cpl James C. Jewell, Columbus, OH
    • LCpl Frederick F. Ray, Philadelphia, PA
    • Pfc Robert J. Anderson, Dunedin, FL
    • Pfc Kenneth N. Blair, Louisville, KY

  • CAP 3-2-8:

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