Dannie Dick Jacobs
United States Marine Corps
Luray, Tennessee
January 29, 1946 to May 10, 1967
DANNIE D JACOBS is on the Wall at Panel 19E, Line 82
See the full profile or name rubbing for Dannie Jacobs

Combat Action Ribbon

24 Nov 2006

I knew Dannie Jacobs all my life. We went to a one-room school, Glendale Elementary in Chester County, Tennessee and then on to high school at Chester County High, Henderson, Tennessee. He was the bravest and toughest young man around for miles. Dannie was a real leader. He was a lot of fun. Joining the Marines was a natural for him. I saw him just before he left for overseas duty and he was excited about going. It was just while later I learned he was killed in Vietnam on May 10, 1967. According to my research, he was leading his Marines on a flanking mission while attacking Hill 110 in Operation Beaver Cage. Several more Marines were killed that day and one of his sergeants, Sgt. Arquero from Hawaii, received the Navy Cross. Four others received Silver Stars. Dannie's body was shipped back for the funeral held May 21. He was buried at Unity Cemetery near Jacks Creek, Tennessee. The reason I remember this so vividly is because my dad died suddenly May 19, lay in state at the same funeral home and was buried at the same cemetery on the same day. I wanted the world to know that we'll never forget the gallant service Sergeant Dannie Dick Jacobs rendered to our country by serving in the United States Marine Corps.

From a friend.


A Note from The Virtual Wall

Bravo Company, 1/3 Marines, lost eleven men in extremely heavy fighting at Hill 110, just north of Que Son, on 10 May 1967. The Marines traditionally hold very high standards for awards for valor in combat, but on this day there was one posthumous Navy Cross and four posthumous Silver Stars:
  • SSgt Elpidio A. Arquero, Honolulu, HI (Navy Cross)
  • Sgt Dannie D. Jacobs, Luray, TN
  • Cpl Sterling S. Woods, Virginia Beach, VA (Silver Star)
  • Pfc Allan F. Berweger, Ashland, WI
  • Pfc Thomas L. Foy, Coolidge, GA (Silver Star)
  • Pfc Randall R. Grueber, Nelson, NE
  • Pfc Brian C. Hewitt, Mayo, FL
  • Pfc Kenneth W. McGee, Detroit, MI
  • Pfc Russell P. Miller, South Bend, IN (Silver Star)
  • Pfc Donald A. Pittenger, Los Angeles, CA
  • Pfc James C. Riley, Pleasant Hill, CA (Silver Star)
There were a total of 30 Marines and sailors killed in the action at Hill 110 - the eleven named above, ten from other BLT 1/3 units, eight from the 1/5 Marines, and one Forward Observer from A Battery, 1/12 Marines. The enemy lost 181 confirmed dead, 136 probably killed, and 66 taken prisoner.

There is some confusion with repect to the operation name. To Battalion Landing Team 1/3 it was "Operation Beaver Cage", but that name applied only to 1/3's contribution to the larger "Operation Union" during the period 02-12 May 1967.

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