Sidney A. Howe
Army of the United States
De Queen, Arkansas
May 25, 1941 to April 28, 1968
SIDNEY A HOWE is on the Wall at Panel 52E, Line 38
See the full profile or name rubbing for Sidney Howe


4 Aug 2004

Sidney, I am your old friend, John Clingan, I met you at the University of Arkansas in the fall of 1966. I had returned from Vietnam where I served with the 25th Infantry Division at Cu Chi, in 1966. You were not doing well with your grades and were having to leave the University and you knew your draft was coming up. I made good friends with you and you let me know you were drafted, then you told me you were headed to Nam with the 4th Infantry Division in the Central Highlands.

I did not hear from you again, but I read in our newspaper you paid the ultimate price in April 1968 due to mortar fire. Sid, I made such a friend with you, we honor you, miss you, and your sacrifice was not in vain. You gave your life for a worthy cause and did nothing wrong as did all of the rest who served, fought, died and were wounded there. God welcomed you into Heaven with open and loving arms as He did all of the rest of you. We thank you and honor you and all of you for your sacrifice and service to your country.

Thanks for being my friend.
John Clingan


A Note from The Virtual Wall

C Company, 1/22nd Infantry, lost five men to mortar fire on 28 Apr 1968:
  • 1LT William E. Zimmerman, Frederick, MD
  • CPL Richard A. Cassano, New York, NY
  • CPL Sidney A. Howe, De Queen, AR
  • CPL Roger Nester, Mount Sterling, KY
  • SP4 Amel D. Royalty, Gifford, IL

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