James Earl Honeycutt
Private First Class
United States Marine Corps
Haynes, Arkansas
May 13, 1947 to February 16, 1968
JAMES E HONEYCUTT is on the Wall at Panel 39E, Line 75
See the full profile or name rubbing for James Honeycutt

Combat Action Ribbon
James E Honeycutt
3mardiv.gif 3rdrecon.gif 3forcerecon.gif

8 Nov 2001

Our fathers were brothers.
James Earl is gone, but he is not forgotten!

From a first cousin,
B. L. Honeycutt
Birmingham, Al

17 November 2001

James was my team mate.
He was full of life.
He drank his coffee strong.
He was my friend.
He will never be forgotten.

He was a real Marine.

From his BOXSCORE teammate
Michael P. Nation
1364 E. Fallbrook St., Fallbrook, Ca. 92028

18 August 2002

In reviewing the memorial page, I would like to offer a clarification of the events of this day. I am Steve Thompson, the Corpsman assigned to Box Score that day. When Capt Underwood's chopper picked us up, Danny Slocum was not on the bird as indicated, but was at the back laying covering fire. James also never completly got on the chopper as I remember. He stayed behind to assist Lt. Graves and Slocum.

If you would like to contact me, my E Mail is Steve4247@aol.com

Stephen R Thompson
Navy Corpsman on the patrol
1107 Silver Oak Ct, San Jose CA 95120


Navy Cross Citation

Private James E. Honeycutt

For extraordinary heroism while serving with the Third Force Reconnaissance Company, Third Reconnaissance Battalion, Third Marine Division (Reinforced), in connection with operations against the enemy in the Republic of Vietnam on 16 February 1968. While on patrol southeast of Con Thien, Private Honeycutt's team established an ambush when seven enemy soldiers were observed moving toward their position. During the initial exchange of fire, one Marine was seriously wounded. Disregarding his own safety, Private Honeycutt moved to an exposed area where he provided covering fire for the corpsman who was treating the injured man. After annihilating the enemy force, the team moved toward a landing zone to evacuate the casualty. As the team moved forward, they were taken under devastating enemy small-arms, automatic-weapons and mortar fire from an estimated two companies of North Vietnamese soldiers. In the initial burst of enemy fire, three Marines were wounded. With complete disregard for his own safety, Private Honeycutt moved across the fire-swept terrain to the side of an injured comrade and administered first aid. He then provided covering fire and assisted in moving the casualties across forty meters of fire-swept terrain to a waiting evacuation helicopter. Displaying exceptional courage, he remained behind to deliver a heavy volume of fire that suppressed hostile fire sufficiently to allow the team to embark. Only after all were aboard did he then embark. Realizing that a wounded man remained in the zone and that the injured team leader had debarked to search the hazardous area, he unhesitatingly jumped from the helicopter to aid his fellow Marines. Upon the arrival of the second extraction aircraft, he then assisted his wounded comrades aboard. By his bold initiative, intrepid fighting spirit and loyal devotion to duty, Private Honeycutt reflected great credit upon himself and the Marine Corps and upheld the highest traditions of the the United States Naval Service.


The Box Score Patrol

The events surrounding the Box Score patrol's engagement and the efforts to extract the team are a glowing example of Marine heroism under fire and were recognized as such at the time. Five of eight Box Score Team members, four aircrewmen from VMO-6, and one infantryman from Bravo 1/4 Marines died on 16 February 1968 and a number of others were wounded. The actions of the men involved in the engagement were recognized by one Medal of Honor, three Navy Crosses, six Silver Stars, and two Bronze Stars.

The Virtual Wall takes pride in honoring the Americans who died in the Box Score engagement, and through them the men who survived. Details of the engagement are published on the

Box Score Memorial Page

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