Frank Nolan Holsomback
United States Marine Corps
Lecompte, Louisiana
April 16, 1947 to October 12, 1967
FRANK N HOLSOMBACK is on the Wall at Panel 27E, Line 95
See the full profile or name rubbing for Frank Holsomback

Combat Action Ribbon

15 June 2005

Frankie, I miss you every day of my life.

You were a good man, and one of my best team leaders.
As your Squad leader, I feel I let you down.
But know this.
I will never forget you.

You are with God now.
Guarding the gates of heaven,
with all the other Marines who have gone before you.
I too will be garding the Gates with you one day.

I miss you, my Brother.

God keep you, my friend.

Sgt.Tom Nollmann, USMC (Ret)

12 Jun 2006


I finally got to Washington DC
this past Memorial Day. I could feel your presence
when I ran my fingers across you name on the Wall.
It won't be long before I join you, my brother.

Semper Fi, my Brother.

From Frank's Squad Leader,
SgtMaj T. A. Nollmann, USMC (Ret)


A Note from The Virtual Wall

On 11 October 1967 Charlie 1/3 Marines engaged a larger North Vietnamese Army force in the Hai Lang Forest southwest of Quang Tri City, losing eight men on 11 October. One of the dead was the Charlie 1/3 Commanding Officer, Captain William A. Neuss, who was awarded a posthumous Silver Star.

Charlie 1/1 Marines entered the fight on 12 October; they lost nine men including a combat photographer, Corporal William T. Perkins, attached from HQ Battalion, 3rd Marine Division. Cpl Perkins received a posthumous Medal of Honor.

Delta 1/3 was not as heavily engaged as the other two companies, but did lose one man on 12 October - Cpl Frank N. Holsomback.

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