Danny Lee Hilterbran
Specialist Four
Army of the United States
Midwest City, Oklahoma
October 29, 1949 to July 29, 1970
DANNY L HILTERBRAN is on the Wall at Panel W8, Line 66
See the full profile or name rubbing for Danny Hilterbran

Danny L Hilterbran
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18 Jun 2006

Danny carried my radio for months. We were in D Co 1/503 out of LZ Uplift. I remember well talking with him about the "world" and his two small babies at home ... we were both 20 and looking forward to coming home.

He was on the radio the day we got a request for a warm body for "REMF" job ... out of the field. He asked me if he could take it as his ticket out of the mud ... I gladly gave his name and wished him well in life.

Sadly, it was in the rear that a fire broke out while he was assisting a brush clearing operation around a TOC. While fighting the flames one of the men set off a old French landmine, killing Danny and another soldier.

In my heart I know I gave him his ticket out of the bush ... but for all these years, I wonder if I had only passed on the "gift" he would have been there to see his children grow...

He will always be smiling in my memories.

From his Platoon Leader,
Mike Rogers

Left, Danny (L) with RF/PF and another Sky Soldier
Right, Danny (Top R) at platoon CP

Danny and Kit Carson Scout


A Note from The Virtual Wall

Two soldiers died in an accident in Binh Dinh Province on 29 July 1970 - SP4 Danny L. Hilterbran and PFC Ronald T. Jones, Toledo, Ohio, assigned to A Troop 1/10 Cavalry. While The Virtual Wall cannot say with assurance they were involved in the same incident, Mr. Rogers's comments above make it seem likely.

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