Joe Lawrence Hill
Private First Class
Army of the United States
Coquille, Oregon
October 03, 1946 to August 04, 1966
JOE L HILL is on the Wall at Panel 9E, Line 105
See the full profile or name rubbing for Joe Hill


13 Sep 2007

Joe was a really friendly guy who always wanted to help. He was a terrible basketball player, but he loved to play. I don't think our intramural team won a single game, but ol' Joe showed up for every game. You just couldn't keep this boy down, he didn't care how many points he scored, he loved to shoot. If you gave him the ball you didn't get it back. He never had anything bad to say about anyone. He worked hard at everything he did. He wasn't a quitter. What more could you ask? We miss you, Joe.

It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishment the scroll,
God is the master of my fate:
God is the captain of my soul."
- Paraphrased from W. E. Henley -

From a classmate,
Winston Skinner


A Note from The Virtual Wall

The 1/5 Infantry History contains the following entry:
"On August 4, 1966, the battalion continued its search and destroy operations in the area. At 1101 hours vic XT658259 a booby trap was detonated killing one Bobcat from Company C and seriously injuring another. At 1132 hours 1 Bobcat from Company C was killed and 3 were injured while they were investigating a bunker that turned out to be booby-trapped. That evening ambushes were again employed from the battalion's night encampment."
The two incidents occurred during Operation KO KO HEAD about 11 kilometers southwest of Ben Het. The two soldiers killed were PFC Rodney W. Casselman of Arcadia, California, and PFC Joe L. Hill.

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