Henry Howard Herrin, Jr
Senior Chief Petty Officer
United States Navy
West Springfield, Massachusetts
March 18, 1933 to May 24, 1973
(Incident Date January 01, 1968)
HENRY H HERRIN Jr is on the Wall at Panel 33E, Line 13
See the full profile or name rubbing for Henry Herrin


12 Nov 2002

Although we never met I will always remember your sacrifice.
Your name is in my book of Heroes.

Bonnie O'Riley Wingo
E-mail address is not available.

1 Jun 2004

You have never been forgotten!

I cried for you though we have never met.

I think of you this Memorial Day, as I have for the past 32 years, so proud to wear your name.

You have never been forgotten!

From one who wears his MIA bracelet,
Donna Peters
178 Sandcove Lane, Paso Robles, Ca 93446

05 Jun 2006

I have worn his bracelet since 1975. Until now we did not know how to get any info on Henry. Please, if anyone has any info e-mail us at daringdj51@yahoo.com. Any info would be nice. We have not forgotten the price paid by these heros.

Alice Johnson


A Note from The Virtual Wall

During the early morning hours of New Year's Day 1968, an RA-3B Skywarrior (BuNo 144847) of VAP-61 was hit by ground fire while conducting a night reconnaissance mission over North Vietnam. The pilot turned his damaged aircraft seaward and made it out to about 30 miles offshore before the aircraft crashed. Despite extensive searches, the three crewmen - LCDR James R. Dennison, pilot; LTJG Terrence H. Hanley, navigator; and PHCS Henry H. Herrin - were not found.

Contrary to some reports, this aircraft was part of the VAP-61 detachment aboard the aircraft carrier USS ORISKANY (CVA-34) and the mission was launched from that carrier.

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