James Wayne Herrick, Jr
United States Air Force
Panora, Iowa
October 28, 1944 to November 21, 1977
(Incident Date October 27, 1969)
JAMES W HERRICK Jr is on the Wall at Panel W17, Line 124
See the full profile or name rubbing for James Herrick

James W Herrick
7thaf.gif 56sow.gif 602sos.gif

06 Dec 1997


Captain James W. Herrick Jr served with the 602/56 Special Operations at Nakhon Phanom (NKP), Thailand. Jim flew the Douglas A1-H, pictured here, in support of Search and Rescue missions as well as search and destroy in "the secret war" in Laos. On such a mission on October 27, 1969, we're told his plane crashed into a mountainside, one day before his 25th birthday, one week before he was to return home on leave. No evidence of his survival or death has ever been discovered. We still wait ... and hope.

"Have you forgotten yet?...
Look down,
and swear by the slain of the War
that you'll never forget!...

"Have you forgotten yet?...
Look up,
and swear by the green of spring
that you'll never forget!"
From "Aftermath"
by Siegfried Sassoon, 1919

My original memorial is at

From his brother,
Roger Herrick

22 Sep 2002

I acquired CAPT James Herrick Jr's MIA Bracelet in April 1975 while a Volunteer with the American Red Cross during "Operation Babylift" in Long Beach CA. I have had his bracelet with me every day since that time. When I received his bracelet, the first thing I noticed was that the date he went down was 2 days before my son Kenneth was born on 29 Oct 1969 (and tonight I find out his birthday is one day after James'). I thought what a coincidence -- it was eerie, but then something happened many years later that really topped that.

In 1982, I went to THE WALL in D.C. for the first time. I went with a Flag and a yellow ribbon tied to it. I searched for James' name and found it. The feeling, I can't even begin to describe. There are so many emotions when you're at the WALL. I placed the Flag with the yellow ribbon at the foot of the Panel and told him he'd never be forgotten.

In 1985 my family and I moved to Alexandria, Virginia. The first week we were there I took my two sons to THE WALL and showed them James' name, that time we placed a rose at the foot of the Panel and I told him I'd be back. Every year after that, until we moved to Florida in 1997, either on Memorial Day or Veteran's my youngest son and I would place a Flag with a yellow ribbon tied to it at the Panel with James' name on it, always letting him know he would not be forgotten.

In August 1990, my son Kenneth was in the 82nd Airborne. He was with the first unit sent to Saudi Arabia at the beginning of Desert Shield. At the start of the operation there was a major rally held in DC in support of it. At the end of the rally myself and two others formed one of the largest support coalitions in the area. We were there in DC every single week-end until the end of Desert Storm. Our greatest strength and support during that time were the Vietnam Vets. We spent a lot of extra time at the WALL with the Vietnam Vets, and my youngest son and I would always go to James' Panel, his MIA Bracelet always on my wrist.

On Easter Sunday in 1991, my youngest son and I were getting ready to go into DC for a big victory rally to celebrate the end of Desert Storm. I was just getting ready to put on James' MIA Bracelet, but the stainless steel bracelet broke exactly in half just as the phone rang. It was Kenneth telling me he was coming home from Saudi that week. It was so strange the bracelet broke just as Kenny's call came through. Since that time I have one half of James' bracelet on my keychain, which is always with me, and the other half is tucked away in my jewelry box.

I have now had James' MIA Bracelet for 27 years. He has been a part of my life ever since I got the bracelet.

has not been forgotten,
nor will he ever be.

Paula Richardson

26 Aug 2005

My name is Max Neuhaus and I live in St. Paul Minnesota. My brother in law is an AFROTC cadet, and gave me a silver bracelet with Capt. Herrick's name on it. Especially in a time of war, it is vital not to forget the human cost and sacrifice.

It means more for me to see the face behind the bracelet.


18 Dec 2005

My name is Hunter, and I am a cadet in Air Force ROTC seeking a commission as an officer in the US Air Force. I was given my bracelet from my big brother when I was a candidate for the Arnold Air Society, which is a professional and honorary organization which supports the Air Force. This bracelet not only reminds me of the ultimate sacrifice Captain Herrick made during the Vietnam War, but it also keeps me going when I become frustrated with ROTC. It keeps that sense of patriotism alive in me, which makes me more anxious to serve my country, just like Captain Herrick did.

Hunter Barnhill

22 Mar 2007

I just ran across a letter from Captain Herrick's parents which I received shortly after I received Captain Herrick's bracelet (1973). On a whim, I googled his name and found I have a connection to several other people who keep his bracelet near and dear. I've often wanted to contact his parents to let them know I still wear his bracelet on military and national holidays. The rest of the time it sits on my dressing table where I see it daily and think of him.

I too, found his name on the Wall in Washington D. C. and was moved like never before and never since by not only the memorial but also the ability to touch his name and think of him in some small way.

Bonnie L. Hand

26 May 2007

My husband was in the Army from 1967-1969, and is a Vietnam era veteran. I submitted an order for an MIA bracelet in 1973, and was given the name of Lt James E. Herrick, Jr. I wore the bracelet faithfully for years, and continually search whatever information centers were available as to his MIA status. In 2005, an Army friend of mine found the information and gave me the website. He told me wonderful stories about the "Flying Sandys" and the job they did in the War. I retired my bracelet with a small American flag and the picture from the website.

It was with great pride that I recently visited the Vietnam War Memorial in Washington, DC, found James' name, and got a rubbing. Had I thought of it beforehand, I would have left the bracelet there in tribute to him.

To those he left behind, please know that he will forever be in our hearts with deepest gratitude and pride. God bless them one and all.

The good truly go first, don't they?

Barbara Katzka
E-mail address is not available.

04 Sep 2007

Please know that your remembering our brother means everything to us. I cannot tell you what a hole is left in our heart since he has disappeared from our lives. I thank you and ask God to bless you for remembering Jim. He was an outstanding young man.

From his sister,
Barbara Herrick

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