Louis Vincent Hermann, Jr
Private First Class
United States Marine Corps
Clifton Heights, Pennsylvania
March 24, 1948 to August 29, 1969
LOUIS V HERMANN Jr is on the Wall at Panel W18, Line 7
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Combat Action Ribbon
Louis V Hermann
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25 Jan 2004

I served in Vietnam with Lou Hermann. He joined Golf 2/7 at Hill 22 just outside of Danang a few days before I did. From August 23 through August 29th, 1969, we were involved in the hardest fighting Golf would see in 1969. Keith Nolan wrote a book about it, "Death Valley." About the middle of August the 7th Marines area was moved to the Que Son Mountain, LZ Ross, LZ Baldy area. We arrived there just as the Army became engaged in the Hiep Duc Valley with a very large, well dug in group of NVA. 2nd Battalion was sent to help only a day or two after we arrived at LZ Ross. On the evening of the 29th 1st platoon was told to go help Hotel 2/7 who had been ambushed and were unable to get to their dead and wounded. About 8 PM, while approaching the area where the dead were and moving along the edge of a small village, we were ambushed. Lou Hermann and Gerald Smith were point and walked directly up on a machine gun, both were killed at once.

Several other men were wounded and we were until about midnight or so getting a chopper in for them.

At mid August, when the 7th Marines moved south, there were, according to a diary I kept, about 45 men in 1st platoon. During the fighting in Hiep Duc Valley we picked up several replacements. On August 30th there were 12 left in 1st platoon.

Golf 2/7 Marines


A Note from The Virtual Wall

The two men from Golf 2/7 who died on 29 August were PFC Hermann and PFC Gerald A. Smith of Ogden, Utah.

Overall, the 2/7 Marines had 25 men killed in action during the period 23-31 August; of these, eight were from Golf Company. Many more, of course, were wounded in action.

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