David Stanley Harris
Army of the United States
Marion, Ohio
September 24, 1947 to March 24, 1969
DAVID S HARRIS is on the Wall at Panel W28, Line 26
See the full profile or name rubbing for David Harris


14 Jul 2000

Just a few minutes more...

I was young enough to be naï¿ 1/2 ve
But old enough to be in love
I took so much for granted
Until the call came from above

The grieving process
Had awful things in store
All I wanted to ask
Was for just a few minutes more...

To hold his hand
To touch his face
Apologize for arguments
To once again share his space

Just one more chance
To God I implore
Just one more chance
Just a few minutes more...

HarrisDS01d.jpg My whole life changed
Most things became humdrum
I kept hoping for that miracle
That I knew would never come

Years flew by
There were things I ignored
If only I had a chance
For a few minutes more...

I'll do what I can
To make my life whole
I'll do what I can
To cleanse my soul

One day, my turn will come
I'll be at heaven's door
It then will be my time
To collect my few minutes more...

Happy Birthday, David

Letters to the Editor of The (Marion, Ohio) Star

Pleasant Classmate Writes Tribute to David Harris

To the Editor:

My first association with Dave Harris was in the summer of 1963. I happened into the old Pleasant High School building and saw a boy about 6 feet and 200 pounds scrubbing and cleaning the walls and floors. I asked him what he was doing and he said that he was working around the school for extra money before fall football practice started.

I came to know Dave during that practice period and during the next three years of school. One year, during football practice, I happened to be his tackling partner. I, being much smaller than Dave, was really no match for his massive, muscular strength. Although I had to tackle him viciously to get him to fall down, he always took special care to make sure not to hurt me when it was his turn.

Dave had a natural affability for other people. This affability was tempered with sincerity and sensitivity toward the people with whom he associated. Nor was Dave a dissenter, he tended to be a cohesive force in his class which he served as treasurer in his sophomore year.

He was a leader by example on the gridiron. The younger boys on the team tried to imitate him while the older boys looked for his approval. He was always willing to help the other players, especially the younger ones.

One football game especially stands out in my mind. It was the last game of our senior year. If we could win we would be the North Central Conference champions and if we lost we would drop to third place. With but a few seconds to go Elgin was leading 30-24 and we were inside their 10-yard line. Dave carried the ball. He fumbled, whether after crossing into the end zone or just before crossing into the end zone, it has never been determined, but the referees gave the ball to Elgin.


Number 48, David Harris picks up some
of his 2,916 career rushing yards on this
play in 1965.
We lost the game. Despite having scored all our points, Dave personally blamed himself for losing the ball game. It was the only time I ever saw him cry.

At all times Dave was an exemplary athlete. As long as I knew him I never heard him swear, nor did I see him smoke or drink. He was the mainstay of our football team for three years and his number - 48 - is the only number that will never be worn again by a Spartan athlete on the gridiron.

Dave was not only outstanding in football but also a letterman in track and basketball. In track, he holds school and conference records in the shotput.

After high school, as it is many times when friends graduate and pursue different interests, I saw him only once or twice.

I know Dave was not the type of man to ask what other people or his country could do for him but only to do what he could for other people and his country. In life there are things we do not understand or even want to understand, but if we are to live in a world of reality, we must be able to rationalize certain happenings or events if for no other reason than to be able to keep our sanity.

In rationalization of Dave's untimely and violent death and of the personal sorrow for us who knew him, let it be thought "'Tis better to have known him and to have been deprived of his friendship than never to have known him at all."

Roger A. Raulin
201 E. Chestnut St. (Apt. 125)
Oxford, OH 45056
A classmate

David was awarded the
Silver Star, Bronze Star Medal, and Purple Heart.

The person who requested this memorial wishes to remain anonymous
but the Webmaster@VirtualWall.org will forward email to that person.


A Note from The Virtual Wall

David Harris was drafted into the service. As a result of his performance in Basic and Advanced Infantry Training, he was selected for training as a non-commissioned officer. Harris completed NCO school at Harmony Church in Class 7-69, 80th Company, and was graduated with 124 others on 12 November 1968.

On 24 Feb 1969 he reported to Alpha Company, 6th/31st Infantry, as a newly-minted Sergeant. A month later, on Monday, 24 March 1969, he was one of three A/6/31 men killed in action in Kien Phong Province, South Vietnam:

  • SGT David S. Harris, Marion, OH (Silver Star)
  • PFC Larry E. Bailey, Phoenix, AZ
  • PFC Johnny Young, Slaton, TX

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