Donald Lewis Harden
Army of the United States
Gresham, Oregon
June 23, 1948 to May 10, 1968
DONALD L HARDEN is on the Wall at Panel 58E, Line 8
See the full profile or name rubbing for Donald Harden

Donald L Harden
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Donald L Harden


12 May 2004

Mighty Warrior

"They shall not grow old as we that are left behind grow old;
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them..."
- from "For the Fallen" by Laurence Binyon -

Little brother, you are still remembered, your kindness, humor and love for your family.

From your sister,

14 Mar 2007

Dear brother, it is almost 40 years since you were killed, so many things have happened in our family. Our parents are gone to heaven with you, also our wonderful brother-in-law Ken and your nephew Mark who was a Navy SEAL in Desert Storm and died at 20.

I just wish that I could talk to you again. You were so smart, funny, and happy-go-lucky. I know you would have been a wonderful middle-aged brother. Until we meet again, Georgi.

From his sister,
Georgia Kirk

17 May 2004

My dearest Uncle Don,
It is so hard to believe that you really are gone.
You know we all miss your smile
But we know we will see you in a while.
For the angels, they have taken you away,
We still think of you each and every day.
Behind you left a brother and sisters four,
It seems each day they miss you more and more.
Time just seems to slip away,
But you, in our minds, will always stay.
I write this in remembrance of the real warrior that you were,
and all the pain that you did endure.

We loved you then and still do! Thanks to all the men and women that went to war! And all my blessings to the families and friends of those that did go and are still serving for our country.

With love from your niece,
Cathey Kirk Caldwell

09 May 2006

Dear Donny, The family still misses you so very much and always will. You were the one who had the smiles, the laughter, the spunk that kept us all happy. Your charisma is very much missed. We all look forward to the day that we will see you again. You were the one that lit the whole room up when you walked into it, you had so much zest and love for everyone! I am so sorry that you left us all at such an young age, we have never quite gotten over it. We know that you are still with us though and have never really left us and that one day soon we will all be together again, seeing and hearing your uplifting voice and your zest for life. Thank-you for being such the wonderful person that you were and are, we look forward to the day that we meet again.

With all my love,
your niece,
Cindy Wheeler

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