Richard Mark Hammond
Specialist Four
Army of the United States
Buffalo, New York
February 04, 1947 to February 18, 1968
RICHARD M HAMMOND is on the Wall at Panel 40E, Line 6
See the full profile or name rubbing for Richard Hammond

Richard M Hammond
usarv.gif 101abnsm.jpg 17cavrgt.gif

13 November 2001

Richard Mark Hammond

Our hearts were broken since that day in Vietnam so long ago. You were so far away and we couldn't help or be with you. You were the heart of our family. When you died that heart stopped beating. You brought so much joy to Mom and Dad, Bobby, Mike and me. We were so proud of you. Mom and Dad are gone now. They are with you in Heaven. You are my guardian angel now. There isn't a day that I don't think of you and all the others that died in that country. You were so young and so eager to serve your country regardless of what so many people said to you about going over there. You stood your ground. You did us proud.

I remember your smile, the way you winked, the way you laughed, the way you walked and so much much more. I miss you, dear brother. I miss our talks together.

You are in my heart always.
You are loved.
You are missed.

Kathryn Hammond Geraci (Sister)
825 George Urban Blvd, Buffalo, NY 14225

18 February 2002

Dear Rick,

It has been 34 years since you were taken away from us. I still live the pain of your passing every day, I can't let you go. I think about all the good times we had together growing up. Love and miss you very much. Thanks for being apart of my life. You are still my best friend.


From his brother,
Michael A. Hammond
Master Sergeant, United States Army (Retired)
51 Cookson Dr, Stafford Va. 22554

13 June 2002

As your sister and brother have stated, "Our hearts were broken that day so long ago". You were so brave and we were so proud. Our family enjoyed your vacations with us so much that we couldn't wait for the next time you came. We especially remember the fishing trips and the time you lost your swimming trunks while you were water skiing. Your uncle is now with you, your mother, and your father in heaven. We miss you and love you dearly.

From his Aunt and Cousins in the
The Samuel Arlott, Jr. Family -
Aunt Marcie, Barb, Karen, Kelli & Dalton
1915 Fox Chapel Rd., Pittsburgh, PA 15238


A Note from The Virtual Wall

In mid-February 1968 Song Be City came under heavy pressure from Viet Cong forces. An infantry company from 1st Bn, 506th and a reinforced cavalry troop from 2/17 Cav were sent to assist the ARVN forces. During the three days of their involvement (18-20 Feb), the two units lost seven men:
  • A Trp, 2nd Sqdn, 17th Cavalry
    • SP4 Richard M. Hammond, Buffalo, NY (Silver Star)

  • B Trp, 2nd Sqdn, 17th Cavalry
    • SSG Alexander Fedoroff, San Francisco, CA
    • PFC Daniel R. Scott, New Haven, MO

  • D Co, 1st Bn, 506th Infantry, 101st Abn Div, USARV
    • 2LT Richard H. Fox, Atlanta, GA
    • SGT Clarence F. Maas, Victoria, TX
    • SP4 David M. Schasre, Santa Ana, CA
    • PFC Carroll B. Fuller, Sunnyvale, CA

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