William Lloyd Hamlin
Specialist Four
Army of the United States
Palacios, Texas
March 12, 1943 to June 23, 1967
WILLIAM L HAMLIN is on the Wall at Panel 22E, Line 54
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William L Hamlin
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Palacios' William Hamlin Becomes County's Fifth Viet Nam Fatality
By Ron Fenski
The Daily Tribune
Thursday, June 29, 1967
Bay City, Matagorda County, Texas

PALACIOS--Palacios suffered its first Viet Nam war fatality recently when Army Specialist Four William Lloyd Hamlin was killed in action.

The 23-year-old Matagorda Countian was on a security mission when his division was engaged in a flash fire fight with the enemy. His death took place on June 22 and makes him the fifth countian to die in the Southeast Asia conflict.

Arrival time of the body to the United States and on to Palacios is still unknown at this point.

Specialist Hamlin is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Reagan Hamlin, Palacios.

He was named for his Uncle William Lloyd Hamlin who was the first Palacios fatality in World War Two.

A graduate of Palacios High School, Hamlin participated in all of the school sports, was an active member of FFA and later attended Southwestern Business College.

Specialist Hamlin had definite convictions on the U. S. stand in Viet Nam, his parents told this reporter. He believed in being there despite the ominous conditions.

He had suffered prior injury when his tank hit a land mine, and many times traveled down the dangerous Rt. 1.

He entered the U. S. Army Sept. 1964 and received his basic training at Fort Polk, La. He had specialized training at Fort Knox, Ky and spent 18 months in Germany with Company B, 1st Battalion, 64th Armored Division.

His tour of duty in Viet Nam began Sept. 11, 1966.

The relatives bereaved are Mr. and Mrs. Hamlin, a sister Mrs. Alta Marie Patrick of Cold Spring, Texas; and a brother, Marine Lance Corporal Tommy Hamlin, age 26, who is stationed at Cherry Point M.C.A.S., North Carolina.

Funeral Services Held Here Monday For William Lloyd Hamlin
The Palacios Beacon
July 6, 1967
Palacios, Matagorda County, Texas

Funeral services for SP/4 William Lloyd Hamlin were held Monday, July 3, at 2:30 p.m. in the Church of Christ with Norris Neeley officiating. Interment was in the Palacios Cemetery.

W. L. Hamlin was killed in action in Vietnam on June 22 while on a security mission engaged in fire fight with hostile forces.

A son of Mr. and Mrs. Reagan Hamlin, W. L. was born in Freeport on March 12, 1943. He attended the Palacios schools, graduating with the class of 1962.

He joined the U. S. Army in September, 1964. He took his basic training at Ft. Polk, La., his specialized training at Fort Knox, Ky. and served 18 months in Germany before being sent to Vietnam on September 11, 1966.

He is survived by his parents, a sister, Mrs. Alta Marie Patrick of Coldspring, Texas and a brother Lance Corporal Tommy Hamlin, stationed at Marine Corps Air Station, Cherry Point, North Carolina.

06 Jun 2003

Dear Mr. and Mrs. Hamlin:

My name is Terry Hamlin, and I am 38 years old. I don't know if we are related or not, but we do share the same last name. I was born December 24, 1964, in Chicago, Illinois. My parents' names are Chuck and Imogene. Anyway, I just found this site, the other day. And I wanted to know if any Hamlins were in Vietnam. As it turns out, there was. I am deeply sorry for the loss of your son. It was a terrible war, as all wars are. You don't have to write back, or anything. I just wanted to say hello. And may GOD bless each and everyone of you.

Terry Hamlin
422 S. McKinley, Harrisburg, IL 62946

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