Richard Gustave Haile, Jr
Army of the United States
De Funiak Springs, Florida
November 25, 1948 to May 30, 1970
RICHARD G HAILE Jr is on the Wall at Panel W10, Line 121
See the full profile or name rubbing for Richard Haile

Richard G Haile
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21 Sep 2002

It's important to list this man on this memorial , because he was from my hometown. I feel that this is an honor for me to sit down and do this. I didn't know him, but I still care. NOW I KNOW HE WILL NOT BE FORGOTTEN. I've searched for some relatives, but to date I haven't found any.

From someone who cares,
Yvonne Edwards McCord

Photo at age 16 taken from his high school annual,
courtesy of Larry Davis

07 Aug 2003

Richard was a couple of years older than me, but I knew him at school in the 1960's before he went into the U.S. Army and to Vietnam. I was in basic training at Fort Bragg when I received the news from back home that he was killed in action in Vietnam. It was sad to hear that he had been killed. He was a good friend. Later I served in Vietnam and made it back home. We need to remember him and all those who paid dearly with their lives.

Steven M. Zuraff

Veterans' Day 2003

I do not know Richard Haile, but was looking at a web site called, and noticed that Richard was Killed in Action on the exact same day as my brother, Stanley R. Kimmel. They seemed to have been in the same Battalion. This is truely a great loss! My heart goes out to all the family and friends, especially today, Veterens Day! He is remembered today from me, Stanley Kimmel's sister ...

Celeste Jensen

18 Jun 2004

Richard - to a fallen hero. I think of you often. I sometimes spend Thanksgiving with your wonderful sister and her family in Forida. You will always be in our hearts.

From a cousin,
William S. Haile III
Inactive Sgt USAF Vietnam 71-72


A Note from The Virtual Wall

The 1st Battalion, 5th Cavalry, lost three men on 30 May 1970:
  • SGT Richard G. Haile, De Funiak Springs, FL, D Company
  • CPL Timothy J. Brown, Myrtle Point, OR, E Company
  • SP4 Stanley R. Kimmel, Summit City, CA, HQ Company

These three men,
and others who served and died,
are remembered by their brothers on the
5th Cavalry Regiment site at

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