Eliot Franklin Guild
Petty Officer Second Class
United States Navy
Winchester, New Hampshire
September 16, 1946 to January 20, 1968
(Incident Date November 01, 1967)
ELIOT F GUILD is on the Wall at Panel 34E, Line 86
See the full profile or name rubbing for Eliot Guild

Combat Action Ribbon

27 Oct 2007

I would like to put this up in memory of my uncle, Eliot Guild, who was killed in South Vietnam.

I am searching for people who served with him in Vietnam, or were with him at Camp Lejeune, and would like to share memories. My mother was about nine years younger than him at the time of his death, and she would like to learn more about him.

Please contact us at: chelseahanrahan@hotmail.com

From his niece,
Chelsea Hanrahan


A Note from The Virtual Wall

On 01 Nov 1967 the 3rd Bn, 3rd Marines were based at the C-2 Bridge but were responsible for securing an area which included the road linking Con Thien (Hill 158) and Cam Lo. India Company was positioned west-southwest of the C-2 Bridge itself. At noontime India 3/3 spotted 15 North Vietnamese soldiers moving toward Thon Bai An, a largely destroyed hamlet about 4 kilometers south of Con Thien. The Marines moved forward and established an ambush. By 1230 India was in contact with what appeared to be a reinforced NVA platoon. Air and artillery support was called in, and Lima 3/3 was sent to help. Lima moved through India's positions and engaged the NVA in the village itself. By 1600 contact had been broken; the surviving NVA had withdrawn to the northwest and the Marines to the C-2 Bridge area. Six Marines and one Navy Corpsman had been killed in the fight; one Marine was missing; and 32 others were wounded, some seriously. The following day the India Marines returned to the contact area and recovered the body of the missing Marine as well as the bodies of 12 North Vietnamese soldiers. Almost three months later, on 20 Jan 1968, the cost of the fight increased: Navy Corpsman Eliot Guild, wounded on 01 Nov, died of his injuries.

The nine Marines and sailors who died as a result of the fight at Thon Bai An were

  • India Company:
    • 2ndLt Leo R. Schoff, West Homestead, PA
    • Cpl Michael D. Jaqua, Piqua, OH
    • Cpl Arthur I. Thomas, Smithfield, VA
    • Cpl John G. Weatherby, Rockledge, PA
    • LCpl Ronald J. Costantino, Bellwood, IL
    • Pfc Edward A. Beilfuss, Milwaukee, WI

  • Lima Company:
    • 2ndLt Morrell J. Crary, Salem, OR
    • HM2 Eliot F. Guild, Winchester, NH (DoW 01/20/1968)
    • HM2 Michael M. Horner, Joseph, OR


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-- Lieutenant General "Chesty" Puller --

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